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This is a joint archive of all UMBC News and UMBC Magazine stories.
UMBC to build on success in shrinking carbon footprint through updated Climate Action Plan
How Girls Code connects young women to computer science and robotics at UMBC
Alumni Awards 2017: Sylvia Trent-Adams, Ph.D. ’06, Public Policy
UMBC dedicates new Earth and Space Institute, building on decades of NASA collaboration
UMBC’s Amy Hurst and William Easley connect with Baltimore teens through 3D printing makerspace
Alumni Awards 2017: Dennis Williams II ’14, American Studies
Q&A with Mary Stuart: Making a Case for Women’s Voting Rights
Alumni Awards 2017: Lauren Mazzoli ’15, Mathematics and Computer Science, and M.S. ’17, Computer Science
Starting the Semester with Grit: AKA alumnae donate over 50 care packages for BSU event
Video: Top 5 Reasons to Catch Retriever Fever
Video: Eclipse-Watching, UMBC Style
Alumni Awards 2017: Alejandro Cremaschi ’93, Music
Growing UMBC community celebrates U.S. News spotlight on innovation and teaching
Alumni Awards 2017: Kate Laskowski ’06, Biological Sciences and Chemistry
UMBC alumni mentors give today’s students a glimpse of possible career paths
Belay Demoz, director of JCET and leading climate scientist, elected as a fellow of the American Meteorological Society
UMBC undergrads conduct pharmaceutical research at UMB through new partnership
UMBC’s 20th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest spotlights emerging science talent from across the nation
UMBC receives NSF grant to launch first-of-its-kind big data and high-performance computing training for researchers across disciplines
Career Update: Luke Roberts ’12 launches “My Phone Feeds Kids” initiative
UMBC’s Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture exhibits “Gun Show” to prompt discussion about gun violence
UMBC welcomes Katharine H. Cole as vice provost and dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
UMBC’s Gymama Slaughter to develop bioreactors that could pause the clock for life-saving organ transplants
UMBC’s Tom Cronin explains how some animals “see without eyes”