Everyone Is Watching Women’s Sports
UMBC Magazine | Fall 2024 (PDF)
Retriever Behind the Scenes—Chris Serafin, electric trades supervisor
Meet a Retriever—Collin Sullivan ’19, M.P.P. ’21, digital credential innovator
How to enjoy being underground
Office Hours
The hills are alive with the sound of piano music
Creativity in the C-suite
Following the siren’s call to the food and beverage industry
UMBC lab draws developmental psychology students from across the globe
The World Is (Finally) Watching
The parallel evolution of Milt Halem and the third pillar of science
Biotech Buzz
Seeing with fresh eyes—50 years of the UMBC Photography Collections
Then and Now—Place of Play to Protected Site
Renaissance woman: Khadijah Ali-Coleman ’95 lends her varied voice to the Maryland humanities
When public service gets personal
The dance floor beckons—after 4 decades away, a dance major returns to her degree
Faisal Quader, Ph.D. ’20: Expanding access to the cyber ecosystem
Alumna introduces horseshoe crabs to K-12 classrooms to raise these scientifically useful arthropods
Baltimore-based international animation festival Sweaty Eyeballs returns with a visual feast
Rachel Brewster’s lab advances understanding of how organisms adapt to oxygen deprivation—with an eye toward new medical treatments