All posts by: Megan Hanks Mastrola

UMBC recognizes Renetta Tull for transformative leadership advancing diversity in STEM

Renetta Tull has worked with students, faculty, and staff across UMBC and the University System of Maryland to increase diversity in STEM disciplines for over a decade. At the end of March, Tull will begin a new role as vice chancellor for diversity, equity, and inclusion at UC Davis. Continue Reading UMBC recognizes Renetta Tull for transformative leadership advancing diversity in STEM

An infant's hand. Photo by Limor Zellermayer on

Class project to clinical trials: UMBC’s affordable infant incubator wins Global Health Research Award

Govind Rao and his students have developed a cardboard incubator to support premature babies in communities with limited resources, and in remote areas that do not have access to medical facilities. The inexpensive, easily constructed devices are poised to make a major impact. Continue Reading Class project to clinical trials: UMBC’s affordable infant incubator wins Global Health Research Award

Hour of Code brings Baltimore 3rd and 4th graders to UMBC for fun intro to computing

“It’s important for UMBC to have an impact in our local community. UMBC is a public university and we are part of the community,” says Fayo Ojo ‘20, computer science, who helped coordinate the event. “Hosting events like this shows that UMBC is committed to education beyond the courses offered here.” Continue Reading Hour of Code brings Baltimore 3rd and 4th graders to UMBC for fun intro to computing

UMBC places 10th at Pan-Am Team Chess Championship

UMBC Chess competed in the 2018 Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship, held in San Francisco, California, December 27 – 30. “The Pan-Am tournament was great for all of the players on the team,” says team member Ewa Harazinska ‘20, chemistry. “We take a great pride in representing UMBC in a national competition, and we were delighted to place in the top 10 chess teams.” Continue Reading UMBC places 10th at Pan-Am Team Chess Championship

UMBC’s Tim Finin named an ACM fellow for advancements in artificial intelligence and semantic web technology

“It’s a great honor to be selected as an ACM fellow, since it is based on the recommendations of one’s peers and recognizes contributions to the field of computing,” says Finin. “I am especially honored since ACM fellows include so many pioneers of the field whose work and contributions I have studied and used over the past 40 years.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Tim Finin named an ACM fellow for advancements in artificial intelligence and semantic web technology

Victoria Herr, right, talking with CWIT's Cindy Greenwood during a stress buster event during finals.

From visual effects to cybersecurity, UMBC grads share transformative career connections

Each year, thousands of UMBC students complete high-value internships, service-learning, research, and other applied learning experiences, and they have an impact. Surveys of UMBC graduates show that 90 percent head directly to a job, advanced degree, or both. Of those employed, a majority worked for or interned with their employer as a UMBC student. Continue Reading From visual effects to cybersecurity, UMBC grads share transformative career connections

Student entrepreneurs share fresh perspectives at UMBC’s 9th annual Idea Competition

UMBC’s Idea Competition offers students from all fields an opportunity to present business ideas to a panel of expert judges and receive immediate feedback on moving from vision to reality. The university’s Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship hosts this competition each fall. This year’s event featured ten project finalists. Student teams had just three minutes each to sell the judges and the crowd on their innovative product and business ideas. Vivian Armor, director of the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship, notes that the popular event now receives submissions from nearly every major across campus. Armor, herself an alumna of UMBC… Continue Reading Student entrepreneurs share fresh perspectives at UMBC’s 9th annual Idea Competition

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