
Del. Adrienne Jones '76 Visits Performing Arts & Humanities Building

Maryland House Speaker Pro Tem Delegate Adrienne Jones ’76, psychology, toured the new Performing Arts & Humanities building this morning along with UMBC president Dr. Freeman Hrabowski and others. “It is clear that our governor and other state officials understand how important this project is for our campus.  And the leadership of our alumna, Del. Jones, was pivotal in ensuring the building’s completion,” said Dr. Hrabowski. The first phase of the building will open in Fall 2012; the second phase will open in 2015. Read more about the PAHB here. (L-R): UMBC architect Joe Rexing, Patty Carper (Whiting Turner), Dr.… Continue Reading Del. Adrienne Jones '76 Visits Performing Arts & Humanities Building

Sean Carton '90 wins ClickZ Marketing Excellence Award

From ClickZ: “Sean has been recently appointed to develop the Center for Digital Communication, Commerce, and Culture at the University of Baltimore and is chief creative officer at idfive in Baltimore. He has colorfully chronicled digital advertising trends for ClickZ in a fortnightly column first published Nov. 11, 1998. Ever since, Sean has served ClickZ’s readers well thanks to his prescient observations and candor. He’s examined hassles of doing business on the early web, such as “Bandwidth Blues,” back in the day. Other columns are still relevant today, such as “Applications Not Ads,” that he wrote in 2003.” See the… Continue Reading Sean Carton '90 wins ClickZ Marketing Excellence Award

Kay Kostopoulos '72 featured in O, the Oprah Magazine

Kay Kostopoulos ’72 was featured in O, the Oprah Magazine for a class on body languages that she co-teaches at Stanford University. From the article: “Kostopoulos starts by leading us through a series of warm-up exercises. At first, the scene is yoga-esque. We step out of our shoes and stand tall, close our eyes, and take deep, slow breaths. But before long, the tempo changes, and Kostopoulos has us jumping up and down, shaking our arms, swinging our hips, blowing raspberries, and making kooky faces, alternately sticking our tongues out and then scrunching up our noses. All the while, we’re… Continue Reading Kay Kostopoulos '72 featured in O, the Oprah Magazine

Katie Dix '10 Featured in a Documentary About Community Gardens

Katie Dix was featured in Cintia Cabib’s A Community of Gardeners (2011, 60 min), which  digs into the fascinating history of community gardening across the US, and on the growing scene flourishing down the road in DC. The Creative Alliance will host a screening followed by a discussion with a rich panel of Baltimore’s community gardeners, including Dix. Learn about the event. Visit Retriever Net for all the latest alumni news, events, perks and services.

Christopher DiPompeo '04, econ, Clerking for Supreme Court Justice

The University of Pennsylvania Law School reports that Christopher DiPompeo ’04, economics, attained a highly-coveted clerkship in the U.S. Supreme Court for Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. He started his clerkship in July. DiPompeo earned his law degree from UPenn in 2009, having served nearly half of his law school career as editor-in-chief of the Law Review. Read the full article here:

Alumnus Freed From Libyan Prison

Just posted on Free Matthew VanDyke: “Great news! [Matthew VanDyke ’02] called from Tripoli a few minutes ago. The prison where he has been held has been “liberated” and he reports that he is safe and well. More details to follow once the State Department sorts everything out. Thank you all for your ongoing support.” *Updates* -Video interview in the Washington Post – Story on – Interview with VanDyke on

Will Redman '98, VPA, sees music in a whole new way…

From the Baltimore Sun: It takes a little time to unroll “Scroll,” a composition by Baltimore composer Will Redman, since it’s on paper that measures 8 feet long, 8 inches wide. It takes even longer to digest. Although there are four distinct lines of music on the elongated page, indicating at least four players, there’s no specification of instruments. So how do you perform such a piece? Ask Redman and he’ll just say: “That’s up to you.” Read the full story.

Julia Rugg '95 Named Chief Program Officer of WINGS for Kids, Inc.

Via the Post and Courier in Charleston, South Carolina: “Julia Rugg has joined WINGS for Kids Inc. as chief program officer. She is a former attorney. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law.” See the original announcement.

Anita Jackson '80 recognized by the Associated Black Charities

From the Baltimore Sun: “The Associated Black Charities annual gala, “African-Americans in Corporate Leadership,” recognized Catonsville resident Anita Jackson, economic development director for Baltimore Gas & Electric, during the June 11 event at Martin’s West.” Read the full story.

Ronni Monaghan '97 appointed Director of Development at St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation

From the Daily Record: “St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation has appointed two new directors: Ronni Monaghan is the director of development. She has more than a decade of service in Maryland nonprofits, including as director of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges and as a director of institutional research at Johns Hopkins University. Monaghan has a law degree from the University of Baltimore and a master’s degree in policy sciences from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.” See the original story.

Building A Tradition – Lafayette Gilchrist '92

The path to preserving Maryland’s traditional arts and culture sometimes begins when a jazz musician walks through an unlocked door in UMBC’s Fine Arts building. One of Baltimore’s master jazz musicians, Lafayette Gilchrist ’92, Africana studies, was taking a summer class before his freshman year when he discovered that the building’s piano rooms were left open in the evening. One night, he finally gave in to temptation. “The very first piano I played was this nine foot Steinway grand piano,” recalls Gilchrist, who had taken no formal lessons before coming to UMBC. “People think I’m lying when I tell them… Continue Reading Building A Tradition – Lafayette Gilchrist '92

Gag Reels

Aspiring actors and videographers often yearn to be discovered. But three recent UMBC students and alumni aren’t waiting around for a big break. They’ve made their own success by collaborating on a comedy web series called Monday Wednesday Friday ( The skits are performed by former UMBC student Darrell Britt-Gibson (who also appeared as “O-Dogg” in HBO’s The Wire) and Joe King ’09, mechanical engineering, and produced by Tal Levitas ’08, political science and media and communications studies. Each episode is a freestanding story, but there are running themes to the sketches, with Britt-Gibson and King appearing as pilots, sportscasters,… Continue Reading Gag Reels

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