
Career Q&A: Executive Director Brigitte Pribnow Moore ’05, theatre

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today, we’re talking with executive director of Young Playwrights’ Theater, Brigitte Pribnow Moore ’05, theatre, about what it’s like to combine multiple interests and skills into one awesome career.  Name: Brigitte Pribnow Moore Job Title: Executive Director Employer: Young Playwrights’ Theater Scholarships Received at UMBC: UMBC University Fellow 2001-2005 Q:  Tell us a little about how you wound up at UMBC. What’s your background? I came to UMBC from a small town in Connecticut. I knew I wanted to study theatre, and I… Continue Reading Career Q&A: Executive Director Brigitte Pribnow Moore ’05, theatre

Emmanuel Nicolaidis ’99, English, featured in City Paper

Emmanuel Nicolaidis ’99, English, was recently featured in the Baltimore City Paper for his work in fine craft woodworking. From the City Paper article by Rafael Alvarez: “Nicolaidis’ goal this summer is to produce a showroom full of design prototypes—chairs, tables, and desks. At press time, he was putting the finishing touches on a sleek and gorgeous tool chest, the kind you can buy out of cheap metal for $100 or less. This is something different, the dovetailed drawers silent as they move in and out.” Read the full story.

Carlin ’96, ’03, ’09, info sys, named CIO at UNC-Charlotte

Dr. Michael Carlin, Associate VP and Deputy CIO at UMBC, has been named Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Carlin has been with UMBC since 1996, starting as a student employee and then hired full-time as a desktop support and help desk technician in 1997. Over the years, he’s taken on a variety of roles and projects: he oversaw DoIT’s continuity of operations following power outages, took the lead on support of the Columbus Center, served as the DoIT liaison for the 2010 IT Restructuring Report and led UMBC’s… Continue Reading Carlin ’96, ’03, ’09, info sys, named CIO at UNC-Charlotte

Bell ’06, MFA, Honored for Catalog Design

Kelley Bell ’06, MFA, associate professor of Visual Arts, received an honorable mention for her design of the catalog Command Z: Artists Working with Phenomena and Technology in the 2013 Museum Publication Design Competition — for the category of “exhibition catalogs” — presented by the American Alliance of Museums. The catalog, designed by Bell and published by the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture (CADVC), was written by Lisa Moren, associate professor of visual arts, and curator for Command Z. Bell’s honorable mention was one of only nine acknowledgements in the category, in this nationwide annual, juried competition open to all… Continue Reading Bell ’06, MFA, Honored for Catalog Design

Brown ’13, M21, biochem, to Attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Brian Brown ’13, M21, biochemistry and molecular biology, will travel to Germany next week to attend the 63rd Annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. The meeting, which will be held June 30- July 5, will bring thirty-five Nobel Laureates together to meet the next generation of leading scientists and researchers. More than 600 young researchers from nearly 80 countries will attend. ‘‘I am impressed and carried away by the competence, curiosity and energy of the young participants – networking, discussing, asking the right questions. This makes me think confidently about the perspectives of a global scientific community’’, said Hartmut Michel, a… Continue Reading Brown ’13, M21, biochem, to Attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

UMBC Students Need Alumni Support by June 30!

For Caitlynn, a biology major, one family emergency nearly meant having to leave UMBC. Thankfully, she’s now on track to finish what she started — fulfilling her dream not only of helping people as a radiology assistant, but being the first in her family to graduate from college. Imagine working and studying hard for years, then losing it all because you can’t quite make one tuition bill payment. Imagine having to pay off years of student debt without a degree to show for it. Sadly, hundreds of UMBC students experience need that isn’t fulfilled by scholarships or financial aid. Many… Continue Reading UMBC Students Need Alumni Support by June 30!

Sileo ’11 MPP on Daily Record’s “20 In Their Twenties” List

Greg Sileo ’11, masters of public policy, has been named one of Baltimore’s “20 in Their Twenties” by the Daily Record. Sileo is director of the Office of Home Energy Programs within the Maryland Department of Human Resources. According to the Daily Record, the award: “honors Maryland’s up-and-comers who are in their 20s. Selected by a panel of previous award winners, honorees will be chosen on the basis of professional accomplishment, civic involvement and impact of achievement. The program celebrates the best and brightest under 30 who may have not earned their first million but whose creativity and spirit are already contributing to a new… Continue Reading Sileo ’11 MPP on Daily Record’s “20 In Their Twenties” List

UMBC Welcomes Tim Hall as Athletic Director

TO: The UMBC Community FROM: Dr. Nancy Young, Vice President for Student Affairs RE: Announcing the Appointment of Tim Hall as Athletic Director We are delighted to announce the appointment of Tim Hall as Director of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation, effective July 8, 2013. Hall joins the UMBC community from the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), where for the past six years he has served as Director of Athletics. Prior to leading UMKC athletics, he served as Associate Athletics Director for Development at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. Hall’s appointment builds on substantial UMBC momentum, including championships in… Continue Reading UMBC Welcomes Tim Hall as Athletic Director

UMBC Alumni on the VIP List

Each year, the Daily Record publishes the VIP List, or “Very Important Professionals, Successful by 40.” According to the Daily Record, VIP recognizes Maryland leaders based on their professional accomplishments, a commitment to inspiring change in their community, and their tremendous accomplishments achieved before or by age 40.This year, two UMBC alumni made it on to this prestigious list: Erin O’Keefe, MPP ’10, director of Loyola University’s York Road Initiative, and Angela Scott ’99, INDS, attorney with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Civil Rights Division From the Daily Record’s website: “Our VIPs are the ones to watch,… Continue Reading UMBC Alumni on the VIP List

Kupiec ’89, INDS, Lives the Sweet Life

The moment you step into Kupcakes & Co., you feel as though you’ve entered paradise–a paradise of bouffant icing, chic pink and black decor, and smiles. The smell of fresh-baked cupcakes permeates the air and friendly staff rush to fulfill your needs. This delightful ambiance is one that Michelle Kupiec ’89, independent studies, has poured her heart into creating, with the help of her family and friends. It all started in 2010, after an extended illness left Michelle’s daughter, Amanda, on bed rest. Amanda loved to watch the Food Network, and she fell in love with shows like Ace of… Continue Reading Kupiec ’89, INDS, Lives the Sweet Life

Fleischer ’05, ’08, MechEng, Wins Discovery’s “Big Brain Theory”

Wednesday night’s finale of the Discovery Channel’s “Big Brain Theory” included a drop-in by astronaut Buzz Aldrin and the destruction of a 34-foot bridge. But, for Corey Fleischer ’05, ’08, mechanical engineering, the most exciting point of being declared the season’s big winner was a bit less, well, explosive. “The most exciting outcome is having my kids think their dad is ‘the next great American innovator’ as I was labeled on the show,” said Fleischer, a father of two and a senior mechanical engineer at Lockheed Martin. “That’s the best; my kids are going to think their dad is sooo… Continue Reading Fleischer ’05, ’08, MechEng, Wins Discovery’s “Big Brain Theory”

Babalola M.S. ’05 Named AMA Foundation Minority Scholar

The American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation honored Kathlene Babalola, M.S. ’05, biochemistry and molecular biology, with a Minority Scholars Award at the AMA’s Annual Meeting in Chicago, on June 15, 2013. Kathlene was one of only eight medical students in the country selected to receive this award, which was given in recognition of her academic achievement and commitment to the elimination of health care disparities. As an AMA Foundation Minority Scholar, she received a $10,000 scholarship. Kathlene received her B.S. in chemistry from Morgan State University and an M.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Maryland Baltimore… Continue Reading Babalola M.S. ’05 Named AMA Foundation Minority Scholar

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