UMBC Alums Excel in New Spacial Discoveries

Published: Jan 1, 1970

(Benna headshot)

Here at UMBC, we take pride in what our alums accomplish after graduation. Take a moment to see which Retrievers have been on the move and making news!

FreelandStephen Freeland, interdisciplinary studies, responds to a study on the role of chance in Earth’s mineral formation. In an article published by Wired, Freeland explains how vital minerals are in order to sustain life on Earth. According to Freeland, “Minerals pull order out of chaos…all of this swimming in an ocean of unknowns.”

To read the full article, click here.


BennaMehdi Benna, Center for Space Science and Technology, is the lead author of a paper confirming the presence of neon in the Moon’s exosphere. Not only does neon exist but it is relatively abundant. In an article from Discovery News, Benna discusses how critical it is to “learn about the moon’s exosphere before human exploration sustainability alters it.”
Read more, here.

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