News and Updates about UMBC’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

UMBC’s Maurice Berger receives ICP Infinity Award for New York Times “Race Stories” column

Maurice Berger, research professor and chief curator for the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture (CADVC), and a major national figure in the field of media studies, has won an ICP 2018 Infinity Award in the category of Critical Writing and Research. Continue Reading UMBC’s Maurice Berger receives ICP Infinity Award for New York Times “Race Stories” column

UMBC hosts Elect Her leadership training featuring local women in politics

“Over the last five years of running the Elect Her program we have had more women running for SGA office, and more women participate who didn’t know they were going to run or join a campaign. That matters,” says Kate Drabinski, senior lecturer in gender and women’s students. “Whether or not women run for office here, the program reminds all of us that we can do it, that we are the leaders we think we need.” Continue Reading UMBC hosts Elect Her leadership training featuring local women in politics

UMBC Dresher Center hosts digital humanities conversation on inclusion in the field

“There is so much textual production happening online and if we were to dismiss it we would be missing out on an important moment on how humans are producing text and composing,” Risam says. “We need to look at how these tools are being used and ask the same challenging questions of this new form of composition that we have traditionally asked about alphabetic or published text.” Continue Reading UMBC Dresher Center hosts digital humanities conversation on inclusion in the field

UMBC broadens access to life-changing international learning experiences

“It is important for students to apply for a passport now to ensure they are ready for professional opportunities after graduation,” says David Di Maria, associate vice provost for international education. “If their boss needs someone to travel to another country to assist with an important project, we want UMBC graduates to be able to stand up and say, ‘I have my passport. I’m ready to go,’ or even better, ‘I have my passport, and I have prior international experience from studying abroad while a student at UMBC.’” Continue Reading UMBC broadens access to life-changing international learning experiences

UMBC honors Frederick Douglass’s legacy with event to transcribe Freedmen’s Bureau papers

“As a pioneer in the struggle for freedom and equality and an extraordinary writer, Frederick Douglass remains among the most inspiring, powerful leaders in American history,” reflects Scott Casper, dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. “All of us can learn from his actions, words, and example in striving for social justice and inclusive excellence.” Continue Reading UMBC honors Frederick Douglass’s legacy with event to transcribe Freedmen’s Bureau papers

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