Staying in the Loop – Darren “Jazz” Stevens ’95, Economics

Published: Apr 8, 2015

Staying in the Loop is a new post series from the Chapter of Black and Latino Alumni (CBLA) that seeks to create connections between alumni, faculty, staff, and other supporters of UMBC and CBLA. Click here for more information about CBLA.

Name: Darren “Jazz” Stevens 14036689697_f491a4a34a_k
Major: Economics
Grad year: 1995

Q: What do/did you enjoy most about being a part of the UMBC community?

UMBC became home, and working with my UMBC family making my home what we wanted it to be was, and is, what drives me.

Q: UMBC is approaching its 50th anniversary (2016) and certainly the campus has come a long way – from a small commuter school to the nation’s #1 “up-and-coming” university – in such a relatively short period of time. What, in your opinion, makes UMBC so unique/special? What’s your most memorable experience/moment at UMBC?

The faculty prioritizes the success of the students, instead of accepting the failure of students, making it unique in the world of collegiate education. “One of” my most memorable experiences was the demonstration at the 1994 Board of Regents meeting. Students demanded their voice be heard, and we were provided the platform to express our voice.

Q: If you could meet one person in the world who would it be and why?

John Madden. I would want to take a cross country tour on the Madden Cruiser watching football films from the 60s through the new millennium, breaking down game film.

Q: What is the best advice you’ve received?

The best advice I ever received was a quote, “True power is the ability to tell someone to go to Hell, and make them feel happy that they are on their way!”

Q: What is one book you think everyone should read?

Monster by Sanyika Shakkur. The lesson to learn: Sometimes the ends justify the means, regardless of the ramification.

Q: What is one thing you can’t live without?

Football season.

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