Huang named Maryland’s Small Business Person of the Year

Published: Apr 17, 2019

Zhensen_Huang (Zhensen_Huang)

The U.S. Small Business Administration recently recognized a UMBC information systems alumnus among its 2019 Small Business Persons of the Year winners.

Zhensen Huang, M.S. ‘00, Ph.D. ‘04, information systems, was the winner of the award for Maryland. He is the CEO of Precise Software Solutions, Inc., a company that supports government agencies’ information technology needs by offering innovative solutions.

Huang explains that he has always wanted to use technology to impact people’s lives, and as an entrepreneur he’s been able to make that a reality. “I am both honored and humbled to receive this Person of the Year recognition,” he says.

In 2013, Huang started Precise and began attracting talented professionals to his company. He says that he wanted to address technological challenges and “deliver elegant technical solutions to the health and science industry’s most complex problems.” He credits the high caliber work of his team at Precise for recognition from the Small Business Administration.

The winners will attend a ceremony in Washington, D.C. in early May during National Small Business Week, where they will receive their awards. The Small Business Administration recognizes winners from each state, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam. During the ceremonies, the Small Business Administration will announce the 2019 National Small Business Person of the Year from the 53 winners from across the U.S. and territories. 

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