
Freeman Hrabowski and Robert Meyerhoff

Up on the Roof – Spring 2019

In 1989, Baltimore philanthropist Robert E. Meyerhoff sat down with then-UMBC vice provost Freeman Hrabowski with a bold vision for the University—to create a program that would offer high-achieving African American men a doorway into STEM scholarship at the highest levels. Thirty years later, the Meyerhoff Scholars Program is a national leader on the forefront of efforts to increase diversity among future leaders—both women and men—in science, engineering, and related fields. Because of that, UMBC is also the leading producer nationally of African American undergraduates who go on to earn M.D./Ph.D. degrees. This spring, as the program celebrates its 30th… Continue Reading Up on the Roof – Spring 2019

Peaceworkers Reunite to Celebrate Milestone of Public Service

Twenty-five years ago, when Sarge and Eunice Shriver inaugurated the new Shriver Center at UMBC, they charged the community to connect scholarship, service, and reflection to engage and collaborate with communities in Baltimore City. At the time, Ernest Boyer, a leading visionary in higher education, called the newly inaugurated center a prototype for a  “New American College,” where the university’s people and resources would be focused on a public service mission within its urban setting…to take up the citizen call to connect learning and higher education with social change and development. The Shriver Center meets that challenge in a number… Continue Reading Peaceworkers Reunite to Celebrate Milestone of Public Service

Moments of Truth

We’ve all had these moments. Moments of wondering aloud. Moments of principled argument over sandwiches in The Commons. Moments of listening and believing as someone’s personal truth unfolds before you. Moments of examining our ideals and acting upon them. Continue Reading Moments of Truth

A Matter of Trust

Driven in her work by memories of her grandmother, Dr. Tabassum Majid, M18, ’10, M.A. ’18, has made a career of education and research related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Continue Reading A Matter of Trust

Student Voices for Higher Education and Democracy

Each June, faculty, staff, and students from across the U.S. gather to discuss higher education’s work preparing students to engage in civic life. Below are reflections from five students who participated in this year’s Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) Meeting as members of UMBC’s delegation. The meeting took place in Anaheim, California, from June 6-9, 2018. Note: This post originally appeared on the UMBC Breaking Ground Blog.     Markya D. Reed ’18, Psychology, immediate past Executive Vice President, UMBC Student Government Association CLDE has helped me recognize the power of the student voice, especially as it pertains to… Continue Reading Student Voices for Higher Education and Democracy

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