All posts by: Sarah Hansen, M.S. '15

UMBC to build on success in shrinking carbon footprint through updated Climate Action Plan

“Although UMBC has made significant progress in reducing its carbon footprint, it is clear that our carbon neutrality goals need to be more aggressive,” says Lenn Caron. A new climate action plan will define those goals with input from students, faculty, and staff. Continue Reading UMBC to build on success in shrinking carbon footprint through updated Climate Action Plan

UMBC dedicates new Earth and Space Institute, building on decades of NASA collaboration

NASA has served as “a role model and inspirational force,” that has led people to reach for the stars for generations, shares Dean Bill LaCourse. “The Earth and Space Institute is our opportunity to reach for new heights,” he says. “To take that chance in the name of science, commitment, passion, and basic human curiosity.” Continue Reading UMBC dedicates new Earth and Space Institute, building on decades of NASA collaboration

Belay Demoz, director of JCET and leading climate scientist, elected as a fellow of the American Meteorological Society

Belay Demoz enjoys directing JCET because of its dual educational and scientific focus. “I’ve always believed in the goal of JCET to connect scientists and students,” he shares, noting that it’s been especially important to him to increase these opportunities for students from underrepresented groups. Continue Reading Belay Demoz, director of JCET and leading climate scientist, elected as a fellow of the American Meteorological Society

UMBC’s 20th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest spotlights emerging science talent from across the nation

“It is a privilege to have so many students coming from far and near to participate in the authentic research experience UMBC provides,” shared Dean Bill LaCourse. “I assure you that your discoveries have added to scientific knowledge, which in the end benefits society through empowerment.” Continue Reading UMBC’s 20th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest spotlights emerging science talent from across the nation

UMBC receives NSF grant to launch first-of-its-kind big data and high-performance computing training for researchers across disciplines

A new interdisciplinary course will teach researchers how to use high-performance computing techniques to analyze huge amounts of data. “In a way, we are training a new type of scientist, a new generation of scientists,” says Zhibo Zhang. Continue Reading UMBC receives NSF grant to launch first-of-its-kind big data and high-performance computing training for researchers across disciplines

UMBC’s Tom Cronin explains how some animals “see without eyes”

“Many animals—including human beings—do have specialized light-detecting molecules in unexpected places,” Tom Cronin writes. While notable progress has been made in understanding these molecules in recent decades, there is still much to learn about their roles in processes from navigation to mood regulation. Continue Reading UMBC’s Tom Cronin explains how some animals “see without eyes”

New study by UMBC’s Chris Swan finds restoration efforts more effective in small, isolated streams

“Our results amplify the call for a larger scale perspective on river restoration,” write Chris Swan and co-author Bryan Brown. That perspective, they suggest, should include considering ecological factors like species dispersal patterns when making restoration decisions. Continue Reading New study by UMBC’s Chris Swan finds restoration efforts more effective in small, isolated streams

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