All posts by: Randianne Leyshon '09

Spring 2020 campus photo, the commons, ILSB, by Marlayna Demond '11.

Princeton Review highlights UMBC’s dedicated students, engaging faculty

“To put it simply, UMBC made it onto The Princeton Review list because of our amazing students,” says Associate Professor Lee Blaney. “The list is developed through responses to student surveys, and so we (quite literally) have to thank our students for this honor, which highlights the excellent academic and social community that all of us have built at UMBC.” Continue Reading Princeton Review highlights UMBC’s dedicated students, engaging faculty

President Hrabowski Awarded Medal for Career Advancing Diversity, Inclusion

President Freeman Hrabowski’s powerful personal story is well known in the UMBC community. At the age of 12, seeking equal access to a quality education, he marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his home state of Alabama. He and other Black children were then jailed for five days. He has held steadfast to commitment to educational equity in the years since.  Under President Hrabowski’s leadership for nearly three decades, UMBC has grown into a national and global leader in undergraduate and graduate education, innovation, and social impact. He has also fostered UMBC’s unique campus culture of shared, collaborative… Continue Reading President Hrabowski Awarded Medal for Career Advancing Diversity, Inclusion

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