Meet a Retriever—Amy Caballero ’22, new social worker with strong ties to UMBC-Shady Grove

Published: May 21, 2024

Amy Caballero '22 at her field placement in Seneca Valley High School.
Amy Caballero '22 at her field placement in Seneca Valley High School.
Amy Caballero graduated from UMBC 2022 with her bachelor’s degree in social work. She stayed on at the Shady Grove campus to complete her master’s in social work from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and she graduates this May. She has a job lined up as a youth development specialist at a local nonprofit. Outside of academia, she says, she’s obsessed with her two dogs, enjoys bouldering, reading fiction and manga, and hanging out with friends. Take it away, Amy!

Q: What’s the one thing you’d want someone to know about the support you find at UMBC?

A: The support is here, and many are here to help! It can sometimes be scary to ask for help, but people here want to ensure that you succeed during your time at UMBC and beyond! I have still maintained contact with professors and staff post-graduation. I’d recommend that you look into the resources on campus and remember that they are there for you to use.

headshot of a smiling woman in a black cardigan
Caballero at her social work field placement.

Q: Tell us about someone in the community who has inspired you or supported you, and how they did it.

A: Dr. Katie Morris [Ph.D. ’21, language, literacy, and culture], the program director at UMBC-Shady Grove, was a great source of support for me during my undergrad years. Prior to starting, she advocated on my behalf to ensure that certain credits were accepted to fulfill the minor requirement. She provided a space to discuss any ideas or concerns I had while providing feedback. She is a great inspiration to me because of her advocacy on behalf of students.

Q: Tell us what you love about your academic program.

A: I loved how passionate all my professors were about social work and their love for the subject they taught. They were all eager to teach and ensure that all of us understood the subject matter. I was involved with the Social Worker Student Association (SWSA) and the creative freedom in creating events was something I enjoyed. It provided me with opportunities to learn more about the UMBC-Shady Grove community, meet other students, and network as well. During my time at SWSA, we were able to collect over 200 menstrual products and donate them to a local nonprofit, I Support the Girls.

two women in professional clothes chat on bright yellow chairs in a school
Amy Caballero ’22 talks with a colleague at her social work field placement in Seneca Valley High School.

Q: Tell us about your primary WHY, and how it led you to UMBC.

A: I became interested in social work because it has an interdisciplinary approach to social issues and advocacy. I came to UMBC because I had heard about its amazing social work program and saw that it was available at the UMBC-Shady Grove campus.

Q: Tell us about the people who helped you grow at UMBC, and why their HOW made such a difference to you.

A: I have found support through professors and staff at the UMBC-Shady Grove location. They helped connect me with internship and scholarship opportunities. They were really passionate about what they taught and are a prime example of the different routes you can take as a social worker. 

Q: What’s your favorite part of being a part of Retriever Nation?

A: My favorite part is receiving UMBC Magazine and reading about updates related to UMBC. It’s pretty cool that they have events to welcome back alums!

(Right: Caballero’s dogs, Nori and Cookie.)

two small dogs stand on their hind legs

* * * * *

UMBC’s greatest strength is its people. When people meet Retrievers and hear about the passion they bring, the relationships they create, the ways they support each other, and the commitment they have to inclusive excellence, they truly get a sense of our community. That’s what “Meet a Retriever” is all about.

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