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VIDEO: Autism Rights Activist Ne’eman ’10, PoliSci, in Al Jazeera

Published: Feb 4, 2013

Ne'eman profile

ari_subimage2Autism rights activist Ari Ne’eman ’10, political science, was interviewed recently by Al Jazeera about the role of mental illness in the U.S. gun control debate. While still a student at UMBC, Ne’eman co-founded the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), an advocacy organization run by and for Autistic adults seeking to increase the representation of Autistic people across society.

Watch the video interview from Al Jazeera here.

In a 2009 interview with UMBC Magazine, then student Ne’eman stated:

“I feel like I’ve set up a good foundation,” says Ne’eman, of both his advocacy and his education. “As long as I stick to my ideals, the core values that I hold, I’ll be able to continue to make a difference. That’s really what I’ve always aimed to do.

That same year, President Obama nominated Ari to the National Council on Disability, a federal agency charged with advising Congress and the President on disability policy issues. Read the UMBC Magazine story here.

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