Tom Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

Published: May 17, 2012

Why don’t private-sector inefficiencies, which drive up costs, drive us crazy the way public-sector waste does? asks Tom Schaller, professor of political science, in his latest column for the Baltimore Sun.

“Hidden costs, inefficiencies, paperwork hurdles, scams and other frustrations are common to everyday business transactions. And these are just the minor irritants. Beyond that are the retail costs — for everything from tuition and clothing to cable and cellphones — that seem to be rising faster than wages,” he writes. “But I get the distinct sense that Americans are too quick to glorify markets and vilify governments… We just tend not to think about the lazy, overpaid person who knocks off early to play golf in the private sector as raising the costs we pay for things.”

The full column, “Government is flawed, but markets are too,” appeared in the Sun on May 15.

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