To You – Summer 2013

Published: Jun 17, 2013

(True grit statue)

Richard ByrneI am on UMBC’s campus almost every working day. As the editor of UMBC Magazine, that’s not unexpected. It’s my job.

But before I became editor, I came back to UMBC a number of times after graduating in 1986. Sometimes I returned to see a former professor. Other times, I was invited to speak to young journalists, or a new generation of Bartleby editors. I also attended alumni events.

The staff of our alumni relations department work hard to come up with events that will entice you to reconnect with the university and your fellow alumni. These events include talks given by UMBC professors on the cutting edge of research in various disciplines, wine tastings and gallery openings, and even a chance to take in ball games at Orioles Park at Camden Yards or Nationals Stadium.

Over the past few years, it’s been a delight to watch many of my fellow alumni make the trek home to UMBC. What they see when they get here isn’t just a campus filled with memories – but also a university that’s growing and thriving across disciplines.

Just this past April, UMBC alumni gathered on campus for a number of events. Over 60 ancient studies alumni came back to celebrate their program’s remarkable history and honor a number of the founding faculty of the department. And 70 alumni from UMBC’s award-winning theatre program came back to celebrate the opening of the new Performing Arts and Humanities Building with their department’s faculty (below) and to see William Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona –  the first production in a the new building’s proscenium theatre.

TOYOU_theatreHave a look at our calendar on the back page of this issue – or, better yet, sign up and get information about all of our upcoming events – including Homecoming 2013 – via our online alumni portal Retriever Net.

I’m sure you’ll find something that will bring you back to visit us here at UMBC.

– Richard Byrne ’86
