The Best Is Yet to Come

Published: Dec 20, 2019

(decorated cap with flowers)

Commencement may be over, but the confetti lasts forever. This December, we celebrated the achievements and accomplishments of the class of 2019. President Freeman Hrabowski addressed the magnitude of the occasion saying, “Today, graduates, this is a time for dreams fulfilled.”

Some of our graduates called UMBC “home” from day one, and some found us in their second act. Some pursued their passions, and some found new ones entirely. Some relied on a tight-knit family structure, and some leaned on community support. But all of our graduates are bringing the knowledge they gained at UMBC to their futures. We can’t wait to see what’s next for these members of #RetrieverNation!

Graduates and those cheering them on can share memories, well wishes, and photos through #UMBCgrad, and view UMBC’s Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter accounts for coverage of the festivities. Videos with captioning from both ceremonies can be found on UMBC’s YouTube page.

All photos by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC.

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