
National “Humanities for All” initiative features innovative work by UMBC scholars

“Public-engaged humanities are essential to UMBC’s vision, specifically its commitment to civic engagement and social justice,” says Nicole King. “It is essential for our students to show up and to listen to the neighborhoods and communities that surround the university in ways that are honest, respectful, and ethical.” Continue Reading National “Humanities for All” initiative features innovative work by UMBC scholars

New UMBC initiative celebrates exceptional faculty dedication to teaching and scholarship

UMBC’s Office of the Provost has launched a university-wide initiative to celebrate faculty who go above and beyond as educators, scholars, and leaders on campus and in their fields. This initiative strives to highlight tenure-track junior faculty, lecturers, and adjunct, research, and clinical faculty whose work is essential to UMBC’s success. Continue Reading New UMBC initiative celebrates exceptional faculty dedication to teaching and scholarship

UMBC Shriver Center explores civil disobedience and social justice fifty years after Catonsville Nine

“The Catonsville Nine’s protest is one of the most significant acts of war resistance in our nation’s history, and it happened just down the road from UMBC fifty years ago this May,” says Joby Taylor, director of the Shriver Peaceworker Program. Continue Reading UMBC Shriver Center explores civil disobedience and social justice fifty years after Catonsville Nine

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