Student Scholarship Q&A: Randi Lindsay ’16, media and communications, American studies

Published: Aug 29, 2014

Every so often, we highlight the importance of student scholarships by introducing you to the very students they help to succeed. Today, we’re featuring Randi Lindsay ‘16, media and communications and American studies, who is an Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship recipient. This scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student who is a child or grandchild of a UMBC graduate, and who demonstrates great community involvement.

Name: Randi Lindsay
Major: Media and communications studies, American studies
Extra Curricular Activities: Student Events Board, Baltimore Collegetown Leadershape, TOMS Representative
Scholarship received: Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship

Q: Why did you decide to attend UMBC?unnamed
I chose to attend UMBC after one visit to the campus. It is so open and so welcoming that I fell in love with it instantly. UMBC is also a fantastic school that is only improving as time goes on. I knew from day one that going to UMBC would be something that I was proud of for the rest of my life and I was right.

Q: What’s been the most amazing discovery you’ve made so far as a student here?
As a student at UMBC, the most amazing discovery I have made has been a concrete idea of what my future would be. I came to UMBC expecting to major in English and receive a teaching certificate, but that sentiment didn’t last long. Almost as soon as I started taking classes in this major I realized that interest in a subject is not the same as passion.

So there I was, 18 and unsure about what the future would hold. I decided to get involved in something: get a job, join a student org, anything. That’s when I found the Student Events Board (seb). I loved everything about the organization, from the people to the planning. It didn’t take me long to figure out that I wanted a career planning events that would make someone happy. I changed my major to media and communications studies and American studies so that I could begin the journey to my future career in Special Event Programming. I may have never known this if it weren’t for my attendance at UMBC.

Q: Tell us about a class or club that has really opened your mind.
Well, I’ve already mentioned the UMBC Student Events Board (seb) and how it has guided me through the crisis that is changing one’s major, but this organization was not the only thing that has influenced me. In 2013 I was one of 70 lucky Baltimore-area college students to participate in the Baltimore Collegetown Leadershape program. This program is dedicated to enhancing the leadership skills of college students and teaching them how they can work to improve their community. At this program’s week-long retreat, I learned more about what I can do to create the change I want to see. It opened my eyes to different areas of need in the Baltimore community and opened my mind to different methods of aid. Before this program, I was supportive of nonprofit work but not likely to participate, and now I am very interested in volunteering and hands-on action.

Q: How important is it to you as a student to get scholarship support?
I come from a single-income household, so paying for my college education is not something that I can just have my parents do. Getting the scholarship support makes it easier for me to attend school as it lightens the load of debt I will be paying off in the future.

Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing in your time at UMBC?
I feel that I have accomplished a lot in my first two years at UMBC. I have a wonderful job, a 3.67 GPA, internship experience, and have found two majors that I am passionate about; but since I have to choose one thing I’ll say I’m the most proud of my position at (seb). There was almost never a time that I was not involved with this organization as I applied for their volunteer committee as soon as I heard what it was. I worked hard to be a productive member of the organization, to always be helpful, and to always exceed expectations. Every semester I found myself more involved in the organization than the one previous, and eventually I was hired to be an event programmer. I worked hard to get where I am now, and it’s not every day that you find a part-time job that really fulfills you.

Q: What would you say to the people who provided your scholarship?
I would say that I cannot thank them enough for their contribution. I’m doing what I love and getting a great education all at the same time, and they’re now a part of that. I know that I make my parents proud with what I do and the people who provided my scholarship are helping make that possible.

Q: What do you hope to do after graduation?
I want to keep planning events! More specifically I want to plan special events and milestone celebrations like weddings and retirements. Eventually though, I want to plan events like galas for local non profits. I want to plan events that will make people happy, may it be because they are moving into a new chapter of life or because it is helping someone in need.

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