The Department of Ancient Studies welcomed more than 120 guests — including 60 alumni — back to UMBC this month for its annual Reunion Luncheon, which included appearances by all of the department’s founding faculty.
“It was all wonderful seeing so many students from all generations,” said ANCS Chair and Associate Professor Marilyn Goldberg, who counted among her favorite moments of the day watching department founders Walt Sherwin, Jay Freyman, and Rudy Storch reminisce with their students about the early days of the Ancient Studies department.
In addition to a luncheon of Greek fare, the afternoon included plenty of reminiscing by alumni, past and present faculty and staff, and former participants in ANCS’s annual trips abroad (now in its 47th year) — as well as a speech by UMBC President Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, who quoted Aristotle by heart, Goldberg said.
“Never again will we have so many generations of alumnae/i and friends of Ancient Studies come together in one place to reminisce about their adventures in studying about the Greeks and the Romans!” said Goldberg. “Who said that old stuff is stuffy! Not us.”