Shout Out Loud: WMBC halfway to fundraising goal

Published: Nov 2, 2017

(WMBC members pose together)

For more thanĀ 40 years, UMBC’s student-run radio station, WMBC, has been a reliable source of news and entertainment for our campus, as well as an incubator for our students’ creative talents. As times have changed ā€“ the station is now broadcasting completely online, and has recently pivoted to livestreaming ā€“ so have the station’s equipment needs. With this in mind, WMBC officers started a fundraiser onĀ UMBC’s brand-new crowdfunding platform, Gritstarter…and with just three days left, they’re already more than halfwayĀ to their $3,000 goal!

Click here to read more about WMBC, and to make your gift heard (you can also check out their Facebook page here.) To learn more about the dozens of other student-run projects on campus, and to give to the cause closest to you, head to our Gritstarter site.

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