Peaceworker Grads Give Back

Published: Mar 22, 2013

The 2011 Shriver Peaceworker grads (L-R): Duncan Cohen, Meghann Shutt, Lindsay Walberg (down front in green), Melissa Esmero (right behind Lindsay), Iris Laurencio (sitting), Dusty Hogenson

Making a positive mark on society is part of the lifelong drive for graduates of UMBC’s Shriver Peaceworker Fellows Program — so when we found out that the program’s 2011 cohort made (and fulfilled) a pledge for 100% giving to UMBC, we were obviously excited, but not a bit surprised!

Program director Joby Taylor ’05, Ph.D., LLC, shared news recently that the six members of the Class of 2011 achieved their participation goal, donating $650 to support the purchase of “books and resources for both the Fall and Spring Pracs this year for all 14 of our current Fellows!”

This is the second cohort to set and achieve such a goal, Taylor said, and he hopes the 2011 group’s efforts spark some similar challenges among the other 18 Peaceworker alumni cohorts. He tries to instill a “Time, Talent, and Treasure” model of philanthropy within these groups of already socially-conscious students.

“Almost all our grads go into service careers, so they are ‘giving back’ as a way of life really (and many depending on foundations and philanthropy for their own work),” he said. “They are entering important professional fields and positions, but not typically high-paying ones…Still, there is a high sense of connection to our Peaceworker Program and a desire to support it.”

Congratulations, Peaceworkers!