In a fitting tribute to UMBC’s newest space — the Performing Arts and Humanities building — a stage-full of area cultural luminaries discussed the concept of “New Space” at the building’s opening ceremonies September 19. Among them was alumnus Kevin Griffin Moreno ’96, history, founder and host of Potluck Storytelling.
“The places we inhabit shape the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves,” Moreno told the audience during the standing room only panel moderated by Tom Hall, WYPR radio host and Baltimore Choral Arts Society director.
Read the full story about New Space and the PAHB opening.
Listen to a clip of Moreno at the New Space panel.
Moreno, who describes himself as “nonprofit policy geek by day; story collector by night,” runs Potluck Storytelling, which brings artists together to share stories, songs — and delicious food. Read more about Potluck Storytelling here.