Monica Gallagher ’01, vis. arts, on BuzzFeed

Published: Oct 16, 2013

Photo from BuzzFeedMonica Gallagher ’01, visual arts, was recently featured in the BuzzFeed Geeky post, “20 Pieces of Advice for Female Artists from Female Artists.”

Her advice to her fellow female artists?

Draw all the time and keep going despite any negativity.

Gallagher’s work was included in the Winter 2012 issue of UMBC Magazine when she created an illustrated essay about her post-college life.

About Monica Gallagher: Gallagher is a designer, illustrator and comicker who lives in Baltimore with her boyfriend and two dueling cats. She graduated magna cum laude from UMBC in 2001, with a degree in visual arts, emphasis on animation. While at UMBC she learned Japanese, traveled to Greece with the ancient studies department, fainted in a yoga class, participated in film festivals, worked in the photo cage, stayed up way too late in the computer lab, got hit in the head with a volleyball, and has many, many other awesome memories.

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