Meet the Staff: Katharine Scrivener

Published: Jul 9, 2014

Here in the Office of Alumni Relations, we spend a lot of time telling stories about and talking with our wonderfully supportive alums. However, we’ve decided to turn the tables and take time to get to know the people behind the scenes – the  advancement and alumni relations staff members who are hard at work on behalf of our alumni. Today we’ll be hearing from Katharine Scrivener, the Alumni & Development Communications Coordinator.

Name: Katharine Scrivener
Job Title: Alumni & Development Communications Coordinator
Focus Area: Queen of the E-Triever and Countess of Communications. In other words, I spend my days working on our website, writing for the blog, manning our Twitter account, composing emails, and other bits of communication goodness.
Years at UMBC: Nine months! I’m a newbie.

Q: Where are you from originally?  katharine-2093

A: Columbia, MD via Hagerstown, MD.

Q: What do you love most about UMBC?

A: The people! I look forward to coming to work every day, and that’s largely because of my wonderfully supportive, creative and hardworking co-workers.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about your job?

A: I love being able to help alumni share their stories and keep them connected to the university.

Q: What’s your favorite food?

A: I have to pick just one?! Thai, pizza, sushi, anything potato, fried chicken… and I also have a serious sweet tooth. (If you can’t tell, I kind of like food.)

Q: Have you ever done anything crazy or out of the ordinary?

A: Met the cast and visited the set of “Gilmore Girls.”

Q: What’s the most recent book you’ve read?

A: I recently finished Where’d You Go, Bernadette? which was a really fun and smart read. Right now I’m reading a nonfiction book, Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea.

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