Meet the Staff: Amy Dalrymple

Published: Oct 28, 2014

(Amy Dalrymple headshot)

Here in the Office of Alumni Relations, we spend a lot of time telling stories about and talking with our wonderfully supportive alums. However, we’ve decided to turn the tables and take time to get to know the people behind the scenes – the  advancement and alumni relations staff members who are hard at work on behalf of our alumni. Today we’ll be hearing from Amy Dalrymple, the Assistant Director of Alumni Relations.

 Amy Dalrympleamyy
Job Title: Assistant Director of Alumni Relations
Focus Area: Provide general oversight of alumni and career programs, with focus on building alumni chapters & communities and alumni career programming.
Years at UMBC: 0 (3 weeks)

Q: Where are you from originally?

A: Just over the Maryland line in Hanover, PA.

Q: What do you love most about UMBC?  

A: While I’m still very new to the UMBC community, its clear that everyone — faculty, staff, and students alike — shares the same enthusiasm for the institution.  Apparently Retriever Fever really is contagious…

Q: What’s your favorite thing about your job?

A: I love getting to know alumni and learning more about their ties to UMBC.  Every alumni story is different, and I’m privileged to have the opportunity to help foster that relationship every day.

Q: Have you ever done anything crazy or out of the ordinary?  

A: It occurred to me recently that I’ve publicly performed no fewer than 6 self-choreographed dance routines at different points in my past.  I’d have to say that’s a tad brazen for someone who has no formal (or informal) dance training as I’m confident that it shows.

Q: What’s the most recent book you’ve read?

A: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. 

Q: Who do you admire and why?

A: As a former college athlete, I’ve had many coaches over the years.  One will always stand out to me for teaching me the value of accountability, compromise, resiliency and integrity.

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