Meet the Alumni Leadership: Nicole Smith ’10

Published: Aug 12, 2014

SmithN_20140529Name: Nicole Smith ’10, modern languages and linguistics (German concentration)
Employer: Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery at UMBC
Alumni leadership role: Secretary/Historian for the Chapter of Young Alumni (CYA)

Q: Where are you from originally?
The Arbutus/Lansdowne area in Baltimore County

Q: What’s your favorite UMBC memory?
Cardboard surfing! My friends and I would spread broken-down boxes in our dorm’s hallway and proceed to act like penguins for the next few hours. There’s far too many embarrassing photos…

Q: Why are you involved in an alumni chapter?
It’s a wonderful opportunity to stay connected with the campus and support current and future students. And I get to work with some of the coolest people around; it helps me stay creative.

Q: Why do you think it’s important to support UMBC?
Supporting UMBC means supporting students. Gifts to the campus don’t end up in limbo–they directly impact a student’s success, and from there, their future.

Q: If you could visit any place in the world, where would you pick?
Seal Island in South Africa (well, on a boat near it). Great white sharks will propel themselves out of the water when hunting here, and that’s pretty much the coolest thing.

Find out more about the Chapter of Young Alumni (CYA) here!

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