Faculty and Staff Support the UMBC Community

Published: Nov 5, 2012

UMBC faculty and staff give their all to the university each and every day simply by doing their jobs well. The launch of this year’s Faculty/Staff Campaign is another important way of showing that you care — and supporting the UMBC community beyond your individual reach.

Even modest gifts add up to help students, faculty and staff succeed. We do great things at UMBC, and every little bit helps us continue to make a difference. Furthermore, our gifts are put to good use; when you make a gift to UMBC, 100% of that gift goes directly to the area that you’ve chosen.

Here are a few stand-out points about the Faculty/Staff Campaign:

  • Last year, 216 members of UMBC’s faculty and staff donated over $136,000 to the university.
  • Faculty and staff supported a wide range of initiatives – ranging from the University’s Greatest Need to athletics, student affairs and departmental related funds.
  • Our faculty and staff donors contribute to UMBC in a number of ways – through gifts-in-kind, planned giving, payroll deduction, and outright gifts.
  • Faculty and staff support of the university is a great indicator of how much the UMBC community believes in the mission and vision of the university.
  • So far in FY13, there have been 116 contributions from faculty and staff members for $17,129.68.

One great way to make your gift is by signing up for payroll deduction before Friday, November 16. If you would like to make your gift by payroll deduction, please use the form that was sent to you via interoffice mail. If you have questions or need a new form, please contact Dayna Carpenter, Annual Giving Coordinator, at dayna@umbc.edu or ext. 5-3377.

If you prefer to make your gift by credit card, you can do so quickly and easily online at www.umbc.edu/giving. Remember that gifts received before December 31, 2012, can be counted as a charitable contribution for the 2012 tax year; however, please note that gifts made by payroll deduction will fall into the 2013 tax year.