Emmett ’08 M.A., MAgS, in New Leadership Role at Erickson Living

Published: Apr 19, 2013

chrisemmettErickson Living has named Erickson School alumnus Christopher J. Emmett ’08, M.A. management, aging studies, regional vice president of operations. In his new leadership position, he will oversee the company’s campus operations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Michigan and Kansas.

According to Senior Housing News.com:

“Emmett began his career with Erickson Living in 1996. He has held several management positions with the company, which reflect his superior leadership skills and expertise in healthcare and strategic management.

For the past eight years, he has served as the executive director at Highland Springs, in Dallas, Tex. Other career positions with Erickson Living include: senior administrator, administrator, and assistant administrator of the continuing care neighborhood at Oak Crest, in Parkville, Md; and, assistant administrator, assisted living administrator, special projects manager and health services business manager at Charlestown in Catonsville, Md.

Emmett holds a graduate degree in aging studies from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and an undergraduate degree in business from Towson University, Md. He is a licensed Maryland nursing home administrator and currently serves on the board of LeadingAge Texas.”