Corrie ’92, VPA, Curates Exhibit at Dulles International

Published: Oct 17, 2012

corrieAn exhibit curated by Debra Corrie ’92, visual and performing arts, featuring Latin America’s and the Caribbean’s cultural wealth and diversity, as seen through the lenses of 22 leading contemporary photographers from 13 countries, is currently on display at Dulles International Airport. The exhibit, The Big Picture: A Photography Exhibition in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the IDB Cultural Center, will be located at the Gateway Gallery through the end of October.

Corrie serves as art collection coordinator and registrar for the Inter-American Development Bank; the show is a collaboration between the Cultural Center of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Airports Authority Arts Program.

“Through this exhibit, which is slated to be the most visited show in the IDB Cultural Center’s history, Dulles International Airport will become a museum of modern art for several months, giving countless travelers an opportunity to become acquainted with our peoples’ colorful and expressive heritage, traditions and imagery,” said Ivan Duque Marquez, chief of the IDB’s Culture, Creativity and Solidarity Division.

For more information about the show, click here.