Constellation Awards E2 Energy to Educate Grant to UMBC’s Information Systems Department

Published: Apr 21, 2015

constellationFor the second year in a row, UMBC has been awarded an E2 Energy to Educate grant from Constellation. E2 Energy to Educate grants support learning-focused, team-oriented projects that yield specific results, reach at least 100 students, and align with one of three energy knowledge and innovation focus areas:

  • Energy science: the science required to create new energy solutions
  • Energy technology: how energy technology is making it to market
  • Energy education: the interface of information technology and energy technology

Dr. Nimrayla Roy, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, leads the UMBC project team. A group of 200 information systems students are engaging in a project where wireless smart plugs are monitoring and compiling data on the power consumption of small to medium load appliances. The data will then be analyzed by the students who will build a web-based portal for visualizing detailed historic and real-time energy consumption. Ultimately, these systems will make energy consumption visible and actionable. The students will also investigate motivational practices to convince individual consumers to reduce their energy footprints.

UMBC thanks Constellation for their continued support!

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