Congratulations to the Class of 2013!

Published: May 22, 2013

(True grit statue with graduation cap and degree in mouth)

true_grit_HRIt’s that time of year again…congratulations to the nearly 1,700 undergraduate and graduate students who are officially becoming UMBC alumni this week!

A few Commencement-related items for all our newly-minted grads:

  • Visit our New Grads Page to find out all about the perks of being a UMBC alum and to update your info so you can stay in touch with your friends at UMBC!
  • Check out the Class of 2013 Page to read about some really cool students!
  • And, be sure to share your Commencement experience with the community by tagging posts and tweets with #UMBCgrad

We wish you the most sincere congratulations — and a good dose of well-deserved rest! And we hope to see you around campus soon!