Career Week Highlights Alumni, Helps Students Succeed

Published: Apr 3, 2013

Alumni Entrepreneurship Panel (Audience watches alumni panel)

careerweekIn keeping with the zombie-fied theme of this year’s Career Week (April 1-4), dozens of alumni are coming back to their alma mater to help current students understand that finding a job doesn’t have to be scary at all.

On Tuesday alumni panelists spoke about “How to get a job in any major:”  Tyrone Spady ’99, biological sciences (Legislative Affairs Officer and Lobbyist, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology);  Chris Magaha ’03, information systems management (Operational Programs Manager – National Security Systems, Department of Defense); Maggie Lebherz ’08, modern languages and linguistics (Owner, Lebherz Oil and Vinegar Emporium); Joshua Budich ’00, visual and performing arts (Independent Illustrator); and Augustine Nwachu ’03, psychology (Senior National Recruiter, INROADS, Inc.).

Later that night, students practiced their networking skills and enjoyed time hearing about alum success stories at the annual Student Alumni Career Networking Night.

Today, alumni entrepreneurs spoke about how to “be your own boss:” Jeehye Yun ’97, computer science (CEO, Secured Sciences Group); Adrian Rosebrock ’10, computer science (Owner/Managing Partner Chic Engine LLC, ShiftyBits LLC); and Mary Slicher ’73, sociology (Co-founder and Executive Director, ProjectPLASE).

Tomorrow, don’t miss the Alumni Athlete Panel at 6 p.m. in the Skylight Room, featuring:  Steve Rice ’79, economics (Baseball); Tim O’Ferrall ’95, INDS (Men’s Lacrosse); Mary Hearin ’06, history (Women’s Soccer); Brian Hodges ’07, ’10, financial economics (Men’s Basketball); Karen Woodard ’90, English (Women’s Basketball) and Roula Adams ’05, information systems (Women’s Soccer).

Thanks to all of our amazing alums for participating!