Career Q&A: Krista Wagner ’99, English

Published: Aug 27, 2014

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today we’re talking with author Krista Wagner ‘99, English, about her career and newly published book, Intent.

via TouchPoint Press
photo via TouchPoint Press

Name: Krista Wagner (formerly Brooks)
Job Title: English Instructor
Focus Area: Composition and Literature
Grad year: May 1999

Q: What drew you to UMBC for your studies?
UMBC is a very reputable school and is interested in seeing their students excel. The English department is committed to ensuring that their students grow exponentially in critical reading, writing, and thought.

Q: Besides working on your latest novel, Intent, what have you done in your spare time?
I also wrote a screenplay for Intent. I received my M.F.A. in Creative Writing from National University in 2013. I have been an Adjunct English Instructor since 2008.

Q: Were there any particular influences in your life that contributed to your novel?
The idea for Intent seemed to come from nowhere. However, my love for thrillers and desire for truth both contributed to the movement of the plot. My three children and husband and my love for God carried me through the journey of writing the story.

Q: Can you recall any professors or advisors at UMBC who inspired you?
Professor Michael Fallon inspired my creativity through avenues of poetry. Professor Suzy Anger was especially enjoyable to work with as she helped me see how much further I could go with my writing.

Q: What has been your greatest achievement in your career as a writer? Your greatest challenge?
My greatest writing achievement is this novel–my first. The screenplay version of it was most challenging as it wasn’t easy to leave so much “white space” and be forced into thinking in blocks of pure action and dialogue.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your profession?
I love being able to help students realize their potential. The ways of writing are infinite, and I enjoy seeing my students harness their gifts and strengthen their ability to perceive what they are capable of.

Q: Is there any advice you’d like to give to students at UMBC?
Hold onto your integrity and never give up. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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