Boyle ’72, French, Carves A Career of Art

Published: Oct 16, 2012

(Kathy Boyle carving)

KathyBoyleheaderKathy Boyle ’72, French, will display her original hand-carved bird sculptures for the 29th time at the Waterfowl Festival in Easton, Maryland, next month. Easton’s Star-Democrat newspaper profiled the carver over the weekend.

“I became interested in carving through collecting. After collecting carvings for several years, I decided to try carving as a hobby,” says Boyle. “When my son was born, I took a year off from my job. My son will be 34 this year and I never looked back.”

Read the full article in the Star-Democrat here.

Boyle prides herself, she explains on her website, on thoroughly researching the bird before carving in order to achieve realistic color and form. She worked for the federal government after graduating from UMBC, but became a full-time carver in 1978.

See Boyle’s work here.