Andrasik ’05, Psych, Publishes Book On Gluten-Free Eating in Afghanistan

Published: Jan 9, 2013

glutenCaptain B. Donald Andrasik ’05, psychology, has published a book on his experience eating gluten-free while deployed in Afghanistan with the United States Army.

“I hope to draw attention to our service members who need these accommodations to thrive. Being at war and on a gluten free diet is a distinct hardship, and if you know what you are getting into you understand there’s no easy meal,” he explained in a press release for “Gluten Free in Afghanistan.”

Andrasik started a gluten free diet at 15 years old, after having symptoms related to celiac disease. He currently works as a logistics officer with a unit based in Havre de Grace, Md., in the Maryland National Guard.

Read more about the book here.