Adelstein '96, bio chem, brings tech firm to bwtech@UMBC

Published: Jan 14, 2014

UMBC1Mike Adelstein ’96, biochemistry & molecular biology, CEO of Potomac Photonics, recently moved the 31-year-old tech company to bwtech@UMBC. Potomac specializes in microfabrication and can machine a variety of materials at a size that cannot be achieved using conventional processes (think smaller than a hair follicle).
According to the Baltimore Business Journal, the move is expected to be good for both the company and the UMBC campus community:

Adelstein […] sees the move as a potential recruiting tool. Potomac will be utilizing interns as well as graduate students for some of its work, he said. It will give Potomac a good way to try the students out and see if it would like to bring them on as full-time employees.

View the Potomac Photonics press release or read the article from the Baltimore Business Journal.

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