30 Days/30 Scholarships: Q&A with Micaela Perez Ferrero

Published: Jun 21, 2013

PerezFerrero,MicaelaWhen students have the scholarship support they need, they can do AMAZING things. And during the month of June, we’re working hard to help students do just that — make the most of their time at UMBC, and change the world for the better, with the aid of scholarships. Our aim? To raise enough money to award 30 scholarships of $1,000. It’s a big goal, but you can help us reach it, and when you do, you’ll be helping students in need.

Today we’re featuring an outstanding scholarship winner and future teacher, Micaela Perez Ferrero ’13, political science, who received a number of scholarships while at UMBC, including the Alumni Association Scholarship, Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program, The Shattuck Family Entrepreneurial Scholars Program, and The UMBC Political Science Department.

Q:  How important is it for you to have received these scholarships?
A:  Without scholarships, I would not be at UMBC. Scholarships have not only allowed me to attend a 4 year university, but it also allowed me to attend UMBC. Scholarships have given me the opportunity to achieve my goals and dreams, and I am sincerely grateful for all those who have contributed to each of my scholarships.

Q: Why did you choose UMBC?
A: I decided to come to UMBC due to my acceptance into the Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program. I knew that I wanted to spend my four years as an undergraduate surrounded by a community that believed in helping others and making change in order to improve communities.

Q: What’s the most amazing thing you’ve noticed so far?
A: The most amazing discovery that I have made as a student here is how willing faculty and staff want to help you achieve your dreams. This year, I have the opportunity to not only intern in New York City, but also study abroad in Costa Rica. I would have never have achieved either of these dreams without the support and encouragement from my professors.

Q: Is there a particular class that has really opened your eyes?
A: POLI 450, Seminar in Public Administration and Management, really opened my mind to the idea of working in the public sector. Along with my internships in non-profit organizations, this class helped me learn more about my future career interests and what it means to be an effective leader in the public realm.

Q: What are your plans for after graduation next spring?
A: After I graduate, I hope to be admitted into the Teach For America Corps. I interned with TFA this summer and felt truly inspired and motivated by their mission to provide all children with a quality education. I hope to also pursue a Master’s in Public Policy in order to further my career. Ultimately, I wish to work either for the government or a non-profit organization.

Q: What would you like to say to alumni who have supported your scholarships?
A: To the alumni who contributed to my scholarship: thank you. Your contribution not only allowed for me to be able to study abroad, but it also allows me to continue my education at UMBC. My entire undergraduate degree is based on scholarships and so your contribution is of extreme value to me.

Read more about Micaela on the Class of 2013 page.

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