30 Days. 30 Scholarships for Deserving UMBC Students

Published: May 31, 2013

quinn-8321For Caitlynn, a biology major, one family emergency nearly meant having to leave UMBC. Thankfully, she’s now on track to finish what she started — fulfilling her dream not only of helping people as a radiology assistant, but being the first in her family to graduate from college.

Imagine working and studying hard for years, then losing it all because you can’t quite make one tuition bill payment. Imagine having to pay off years of student debt without a degree to show for it.

Sadly, hundreds of UMBC students experience need that isn’t fulfilled by scholarships or financial aid. Many of them work two or more jobs while attending school – and sometimes, that still isn’t enough. Those are the times when they need you most.

30for30_smallWhen students have the scholarship support they need, they can do AMAZING things. And during the month of June, we’re showcasing students who are doing just that — making the most of their time at UMBC, and changing the world for the better, with the aid of scholarships. Our aim? To raise enough money to award 30 scholarships of $1,000. It’s a big goal, but you can help us reach it, and when you do, you’ll be helping students in need.

>> Make your gift to support students today

While Caitlynn was fortunate enough to receive support that enabled her to stay at UMBC, there are many students who still need your help. That’s why your support is more important this month than ever before. Please, make a gift today and help us raise the funds for 30 scholarships in 30 days.