
1966 Society Enjoys Tour of A Designed Life Exhibit

During their annual gathering on campus this week, members of The 1966 Society (individuals who have included UMBC in their estate plans) gathered for a private tour of the exhibition, A Designed Life, lead by curator Peggy Re, associate professor, graphic design.  Also joining the group were Symmes Gardner, director of the Center for Art Design and Visual Culture, and Selene LaMarca, an undergraduate student who helped design the exhibit.  Following the tour, guests gathered for dinner to continue conversations inspired by the exhibition, which is on view through December 8. Learn more about joining the 1966 Society Header image: Peggy Re starts the tour.… Continue Reading 1966 Society Enjoys Tour of A Designed Life Exhibit

Feeding A Need: Retriever Essentials Tackles Food Insecurity

In a first-of-its-kind survey released in April, researchers at the Wisconsin HOPE Lab at Temple University found that at 66 colleges and universities, 36 percent of students do not get enough to eat. This comes as no surprise to Julie Rosenthal, program management specialist for Asian studies and the doctoral program in gerontology, who helped spearhead the launch of UMBC’s Retriever Essentials — an on-campus food pantry run by students, for students — in September 2017. “If you stop and think about it … it makes sense,” Rosenthal said. “These students age out of the public school system where they… Continue Reading Feeding A Need: Retriever Essentials Tackles Food Insecurity

After the Storm – UMBC Community Volunteers Around the World

The fall of 2017 was marked by wildfires that burned most of Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino counties in Northern California, and a hurricane season with 17 tropical storms — 10 of which became hurricanes and six that reached a category three or stronger. Millions of people dealt with and continue to face loss of power, as well as shortages in water, medical care, and food, through the fall and winter. While media coverage of these events often focuses on the initial impact, rarely do we get to see what happens behind the scenes as first responders prepare or during the… Continue Reading After the Storm – UMBC Community Volunteers Around the World

Measuring the Early Moments

Psychology professor Susan Sonnenschein is on a mission to help the parents of premature or medically fragile babies make the most of their time in the neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU). As a former NICU mom herself, she is delighted that parents at the University of Maryland Medical Center NICU enjoy the Mother Goose on the Loose (MGOL) “Goslings” program and follow the early literacy strategies taught in the hour-long workshop there. As a scientist and the program’s evaluator, she wants to make sure the resulting data matches the participants’ enthusiasm. Based on Betsy Diamant-Cohen’s nationally recognized Mother Goose on the… Continue Reading Measuring the Early Moments

A Mother’s Day Gift will Support Arts at UMBC

Mother’s Day came a week early for Donna L. Young when the campus celebrated the naming of the UMBC Scene Shop in her honor by her daughter, Nancy Young, Vice President for Student Affairs. The Youngs were joined by friends and students for an enlightening behind-the-scenes tour of the stage, as well as scene and costume shops inside the Performing Arts and Humanities Building (PAHB). Opened in 2014, the PAHB was designed to enhance UMBC’s teaching, research, and public outreach, and to heighten the visibility of the arts and humanities as major components of campus and community life. Students who… Continue Reading A Mother’s Day Gift will Support Arts at UMBC

Wisdom to Share

UMBC welcomed back dozens of retired faculty and staff this month as part of the launch of the new Wisdom Institute, an initiative aimed at encouraging ongoing engagement by some of the university’s most dedicated contributors. During the luncheon, members heard from U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski; Naomi Mburu ‘18, chemical engineering, the first UMBC student to receive the Rhodes Scholarship; Tim Hall, director of athletics at UMBC; and Ryan Odom, head coach of the history-making UMBC men’s basketball team. They also had a chance to tour UMBC’s new Event Center — and even meet members of UMBC’s history-making men’s basketball team.… Continue Reading Wisdom to Share

Thank You, Retriever Nation!

This week UMBC made history as the first ever No. 16 seed team to best a No. 1 seed in an NCAA men’s basketball tournament. The Retrievers’ season ended last night in a hard-fought round two, but our UMBC community will carry the pride of this moment with us for years to come. And, through this achievement, the nation has come to understand what a special place UMBC is. Thank you to the men’s basketball team and to coach Ryan Odom for the grit you displayed all season. And thank you to the faculty, staff, students, alumni, and others in… Continue Reading Thank You, Retriever Nation!

Supporting the Next Generation of Retrievers

On March 14, donors and students gathered for UMBC’s the annual Endowed Scholarship Luncheon. Endowed scholarships provide support in perpetuity, so a gift made today benefits generations of students. For students who receive their scholarship for multiple years, the luncheon was an opportunity for donors and scholars to reconnect with each other. Others met their benefactors for the first time and learned what motivated them to invest in UMBC. Sheldon Caplis, former vice president of Institutional Advancement at UMBC, spoke of his introduction to philanthropy as a child. Although his parents were from humble backgrounds, they gave what they could… Continue Reading Supporting the Next Generation of Retrievers

First #blackandgoldrush Giving Day a Huge Success

It is with great thanks to the UMBC community that the first UMBC Giving Day—Black and Gold Rush—was truly exceptional. We had more than 400 alumni, 240 faculty and staff, and 250 parents, students and friends support UMBC in 24 hours. Amazing! A big thank you to everyone who supported #blackandgoldrush. Sincerely, Gregory Simmons ’04, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

One Million Acts of Good

It’s easy for a single person to feel helpless in the face of really big problems. That’s why UMBC students banded together this week as part of a national effort to tackle hunger. In partnership with Cheerios and Ellen DeGeneres, and organized at UMBC by Chartwells, which manages Dining Services and True Grit’s dining hall, the “One Million Acts of Good” project made it easy and fun for students to “Matterboxes” with food essentials, notes of encouragement, and educational inserts. The 300 boxes will be shared with five area organizations — Southwest Emergency Services, Elkridge Food Pantry, Maryland Food Bank, Inc.,… Continue Reading One Million Acts of Good

Photos: Alumni Pride in Serving Our State

UMBC’s annual night in Annapolis celebrated alumni who work every day for the public good of Marylanders. Nearly 70 percent of UMBC’s more than 70,000 alumni live in Maryland and contribute to the State’s economy and civic life in a variety of ways. Along with President Freeman Hrabowski, House of Delegates Speaker Pro Tem Adrienne A. Jones ’76, psychology, hosted the event along with Senator James Mathias ’74, political science; Delegate Haven Shoemaker ’87, political science; Delegate Mark Chang ’99, psychology; Delegate Charles Sydnor, III ’00, policy sciences; Matthew A. Clark ’00, history, Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor; and Tiffany Robinson ’97, political science, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor. “My co-hosts this… Continue Reading Photos: Alumni Pride in Serving Our State

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