
UMBC's administration building at the front of the campus.


A message from President Freeman Hrabowski and Provost Rous on UMBC’s work to address structural racism at UMBC. Continue Reading Change

Extraordinary Times and Extraordinary Community

March 20, 2020 Dear Members of the UMBC Community, Many are calling this period a defining moment for humankind, and history will judge us by how we respond. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, we want you to know how proud we are of the ways that our community of inquiring minds has already been adapting. Thank you for all that you are doing to support one another, your families, and fellow citizens during these challenging times. Campus leaders are meeting daily to navigate this rapidly changing reality, and we are working closely with USM Chancellor Jay Perman, other… Continue Reading Extraordinary Times and Extraordinary Community

Challenge Met: UMBC Giving Day 2020 a Resounding Success

Each February, the UMBC community reaches together to support student success with gifts made during one 24-hour Giving Day extravaganza. And every year, our Retriever Nation comes through – sharing news of their gifts and reasons for supporting UMBC far and wide. This year’s “Black and Gold Rush” on February 27 was no exception. Several hours before the midnight deadline, our Retrievers blew past the original goal of 1,800 donors to reach more than 2,600 donors and $188,500, with more donations still being tallied, that will support everything from academics to athletics to campus organizations. More than a hundred social… Continue Reading Challenge Met: UMBC Giving Day 2020 a Resounding Success

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