All posts by: Magazine Editor

IS Alumna Vying for Trip to North Pole: Lola Akinmade '99, '02

Although she spent her younger years in sub-Saharan Africa, alumna Lola Akinmade ’99, ’02 likes the cold. In fact, at the moment, the information systems/geography major is living in Sweden. And, she’d like to get much, much colder. Akinmade is currently in the running for a trip to the North Pole during which she would blog, tweet and Facebook about her experiences. But in order to make it happen, she’ll need lots of votes to push her past the finish line and into the Arctic Circle. If she wins, Akinmade promises to put her personal stamp on the experience: Finally landing on… Continue Reading IS Alumna Vying for Trip to North Pole: Lola Akinmade '99, '02

Annual Idea Competition Judged by UMBC Alumni

Three of UMBC’s most entrepreneurial alumni brought their expertise to the table as judges in UMBC’s annual Idea Competition, sponsored by the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship and was part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, a week where universities around the world celebrate entrepreneurship with activities and events for their students, faculty and alumni. Alumni Eli Eisenberg ’86, Interdisciplinary Studies, owner of VPC, a video production company; Sean Carton ’90, English, chief strategy officer at idfive, a marketing and advertising agency; and Danielle Marchese ’00, M.S. ’05, information systems management, president of Applied Technology Services, served as judges in the competition.… Continue Reading Annual Idea Competition Judged by UMBC Alumni

UMBC Alumni in Kamenetz's Executive Team

According to a story in the Baltimore Business Journal, three UMBC alumni have been appointed to positions on the executive team of Kevin Kamenetz, who will be sworn in as Baltimore County Executive on December 6. John E. Beverungen ’87,  English, will serve as an administrative law judge (deputy zoning commissioner). Keith A. Dorsey ’76, economics, will head the county’s department of budget and finance. Vincent J. Gardina ’78, geography, will head the departmet of environmental protection and sustainability. Read the full story here:

Principal Edward E. Cozzolino '73 in New York Times

Read “A Mission to Transform Baltimore’s Beaten Schools,” featuring Baltimore principal Edward E. Cozzolino ’73, English:

Party City Will Sell Baker's New Line: Duff Goldman '97

“Ace of Cakes” fans who are disappointed about the TV reality show’s cancellation can take heart in knowing that star baker Duff Goldman is expanding a recently launched line of baking and decorating products. Read the full story in the Baltimore Sun

Alum Heads Delaware Public Archives: Stephen M. Marz MA '94

Stephen M. Marz MA ’94, history, is the new director of the Delaware Public Archives. A certified archivist, Stephen earned his undergraduate degree from Monmouth University, and later an MSW from the University of Maryland. He has served as Deputy Director of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs for Delaware for the last five years. Read the full story here.

Welcome Alumni!

Welcome to this archive of UMBC Alumni stories. Use the search bar to the right to find alumni by grad year, major type, and more. We hope you enjoy reading about fellow Retrievers. If you have news to share, please email retrievernet [at] umbc [dot] edu.

“Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

For many students, it takes more than brilliant professors, hours of study, and supportive classmates to succeed in college. Often, a gesture as simple as a book scholarship, or a conversation with someone who’s walked in your shoes, so to speak, can mean the difference between earning straight As and struggling to stay afloat. For Latino students needing that extra boost toward graduation, there’s plenty of “esperanza,” or hope, for the future, thanks in part to Dr. Shivonne L. Laird ’99, biological sciences. One of the founding members of UMBC’s Chapter of Black & Latino Alumni (CBLA), Laird also helped… Continue Reading “Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

“Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

For many students, it takes more than brilliant professors, hours of study, and supportive classmates to succeed in college. Often, a gesture as simple as a book scholarship, or a conversation with someone who’s walked in your shoes, so to speak, can mean the difference between earning straight As and struggling to stay afloat. For Latino students needing that extra boost toward graduation, there’s plenty of “esperanza,” or hope, for the future, thanks in part to Dr. Shivonne L. Laird ’99, biological sciences. One of the founding members of UMBC’s Chapter of Black & Latino Alumni (CBLA), Laird also helped… Continue Reading “Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

Carny Attraction: James Taylor '73

Sideshows featuring amazing feats and astonishing freaks became an industry in the United States in the 19th century. But these traveling caravans have been on the endangered list in recent decades. Collecting the artifacts and celebrating the artistry of this vanishing industry has proven addictive to James Taylor ’73, interdisciplinary studies. Read more in the Winter 2010 issue of UMBC Magazine…

“Exceptional” Alumnus: Gene Trainor ’86

In just over 40 years, UMBC has progressed from a fledgling university to a nationally renowned institution of higher education. And when it comes to areas such as undergraduate teaching or encouraging diversity in scientific and technological disciplines, UMBC is now regularly mentioned in the same breath with Harvard University, MIT and Stanford University. But that growth didn’t happen without a lot of help. And an important element in helping UMBC rise in national prestige has been the university’s successful Exceptional by Example campaign. This year, the board of UMBC’s Alumni Association has recognized the key role played by its… Continue Reading “Exceptional” Alumnus: Gene Trainor ’86

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