All posts by: Sarah Hansen, M.S. '15

man inspects plants growing outside a greenhouse

UMBC’s Chris Swan awarded NSF funding for U.S.-Brazil partnership on stream biodiversity

Biodiversity “is the whole kit and caboodle,” Chris Swan says. Without it, there could be no adaptation to change. The new project will investigate differences in biodiversity in tropical and temperate streams to increase our ability to predict how biological communities may change in a warming world. Continue Reading UMBC’s Chris Swan awarded NSF funding for U.S.-Brazil partnership on stream biodiversity

Portrait of Jeffrey Gardner outdoors

UMBC’s Jeffrey Gardner receives $1.3M from NIH to discover new treatments for fungal disease

Drug resistance is a growing problem in treating fungal disease. Jeffrey Gardner is searching for a new way to treat these infections with bacterial enzymes. It’s a new area of research for him, but “if you can find an interesting bug, with some interesting physiology,” he says, “the types of questions can really span major different areas.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Jeffrey Gardner receives $1.3M from NIH to discover new treatments for fungal disease

Dark yellow ball (the sun) with brighter yellow projections rising from the surface

UMBC’s Leamon defines “solar clock” that can precisely predict solar cycle events years in advance

New research shows that a “solar clock” based on the sun’s magnetic field, rather than the presence or absence of sunspots, can predict events in the solar cycle, such as surges in dangerous solar flares or changing weather trends, years in advance. Continue Reading UMBC’s Leamon defines “solar clock” that can precisely predict solar cycle events years in advance

a cargo ship in port

UMBC-led team generates first global map of cargo ship pollution, revealing effects of fuel regulations

Cargo ship pollution causes problems for port cities. The pollutant particles also have a cooling effect on the planet when they interact with clouds. Tracking pollution from ships as regulations change can help scientists clarify the poorly-understood role of clouds in climate. Continue Reading UMBC-led team generates first global map of cargo ship pollution, revealing effects of fuel regulations

UMBC’s Eileen Meyer and team find strongest evidence yet of a black hole zooming away from its galaxy’s center

“This is probably the most clear-cut case” illustrating this phenomenon that scientists are aware of, says Eileen Meyer. The black hole is zipping away from its galaxy’s center at more than 4.5 million miles per hour. Continue Reading UMBC’s Eileen Meyer and team find strongest evidence yet of a black hole zooming away from its galaxy’s center

portrait of Katherine Seley-Radtke

Creating new antiviral drugs: Katherine Seley-Radtke’s innovative “fleximer” research to receive $3.5M from NIH

“Many people in the antiviral field had been pushing for many years, warning people that this kind of viral pandemic could happen,” says Katherine Seley-Radtke. Thankfully, her decades of work put her in a strong position to contribute to a new surge of antiviral research. Continue Reading Creating new antiviral drugs: Katherine Seley-Radtke’s innovative “fleximer” research to receive $3.5M from NIH

young trees planted in rows shade the forest floor

Beyond “plant trees!”: UMBC research finds tree plantations encroaching on essential ecosystems

Trees supply a host of benefits for animals and people. However, new research led by Matthew Fagan finds that some trees planted in the tropics may be doing more harm than good. “Ecologists have been sounding the alarm on this for over a decade,” Fagan says. “But no one’s had a hard number about how much this is actually happening.” Continue Reading Beyond “plant trees!”: UMBC research finds tree plantations encroaching on essential ecosystems

man in suit and black and gold striped tie stands behind a podium with positive thoughtful expression

HHMI launches $1.5 billion Freeman Hrabowski Scholars program to support diversity, innovation in biomedical research

HHMI is honoring President Hrabowski for his decades of leadership in growing and diversifying the pipeline of Ph.D.-level researchers. “We should all be encouraged by HHMI’s commitment to changing the face of science in America,” Hrabowski says. Continue Reading HHMI launches $1.5 billion Freeman Hrabowski Scholars program to support diversity, innovation in biomedical research

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