
Q&A: Dr. Michael Summers on the Meyerhoff Scholars Program

Dr. Michael Summers is the Robert E. Meyerhoff Chair for Excellence in ​Research and Mentoring​; a Distinguished University Professor​; and an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Over the years, he has worked with dozens of Meyerhoff scholars in his lab. UMBC Magazine sat down with Summer​s to talk about his history with the Meyerhoff Scholars Program, now celebrating its 30th year. UMBC Magazine:  Can you tell us what your involvement has been with the Meyerhoff Scholars Program over the years? Mike Summers:  Well, I have no administrative role with the Meyerhoff program. I got started when [UMBC President]… Continue Reading Q&A: Dr. Michael Summers on the Meyerhoff Scholars Program

The Family Connection: Paying it Forward

“To whom much is given, much is required.” Meyerhoff scholars internalize this message, which is introduced during Summer Bridge and is almost as ubiquitous as “Focus, Focus, Focus,” and Langston Hughes’ “Dreams” at Meyerhoff gatherings. For many of the scholars, giving back has become a foundational principle in their lives, as they mentor colleagues, students, and interns in their roles as researchers, medical professionals, biotech entrepreneurs, and more. This extension of the Meyerhoff program beyond UMBC amplifies its impact. Like a family tree, the DNA for the Meyerhoff program’s values and practices travels through generations of researchers as scholars graduate… Continue Reading The Family Connection: Paying it Forward

Q&A: Earnestine Baker, Executive Director Emerita, Meyerhoff Scholars Program

From its very first days, Earnestine Baker, Executive Director Emerita, has been an integral part of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program. UMBC Magazine sat down with Baker to talk about some of the ways she — along with other staff and students — laid the foundation for the program’s successes over the last thirty years. UMBC Magazine: What are some of your first memories of how the Meyerhoff Scholars Program came to be? Earnestine Baker: Immediately what comes to mind is the phone call I received from Dr.Hrabowski, inviting me to a meeting in his conference room. I was working in… Continue Reading Q&A: Earnestine Baker, Executive Director Emerita, Meyerhoff Scholars Program

Freeman Hrabowski and Robert Meyerhoff

Up on the Roof – Spring 2019

In 1989, Baltimore philanthropist Robert E. Meyerhoff sat down with then-UMBC vice provost Freeman Hrabowski with a bold vision for the University—to create a program that would offer high-achieving African American men a doorway into STEM scholarship at the highest levels. Thirty years later, the Meyerhoff Scholars Program is a national leader on the forefront of efforts to increase diversity among future leaders—both women and men—in science, engineering, and related fields. Because of that, UMBC is also the leading producer nationally of African American undergraduates who go on to earn M.D./Ph.D. degrees. This spring, as the program celebrates its 30th… Continue Reading Up on the Roof – Spring 2019

Notable Retrievers: Jerome Adams ’97

JEROME ADAMS ’97Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyNotable Achievement: U.S. Surgeon General Back in the ’90s, Jerome Adams was just a kid watching UMBC basketball games and making sure he never missed Quadmania. Now, he has a bit more on his plate—like being “Top Doctor” for the entire United States. “UMBC as a school has constantly shown they punch above their weight. There’s nothing we can’t do.” — Jerome Adams ’97 In 2017, Adams was named Surgeon General, tasked as the leading spokesperson on public health for the federal government and serving as the “Nation’s Doctor.” Adams credits UMBC with helping him… Continue Reading Notable Retrievers: Jerome Adams ’97

A Matter of Trust

Driven in her work by memories of her grandmother, Dr. Tabassum Majid, M18, ’10, M.A. ’18, has made a career of education and research related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Continue Reading A Matter of Trust

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