
Four UMBC students receive Goldwater Scholarship for STEM research, tying prior record

Four UMBC students have been named 2022-23 Goldwater Scholars, tying the university’s past record, set just last year. This year’s recipients are Christopher Slaughter ‘23, computer engineering; Rachel Myers ‘23, chemical engineering; Tobi Majekodunmi ‘23, mechanical engineering; and D’Juan Moreland ‘23, biological sciences and music. UMBC had more winners this year than any other institution in the state of Maryland.  Continue Reading Four UMBC students receive Goldwater Scholarship for STEM research, tying prior record

UMBC’s Deepa Madan develops bendable zinc-based batteries

Rechargeable alkaline batteries are readily available at many stores and pharmacies, but they are rigid and cannot be used in slim or small devices that require batteries. Deepa Madan, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and her research team are working to develop zinc-chitosan gel-based batteries that are enclosed in flexible plastic. This would revolutionize how consumers power devices they use every day. Continue Reading UMBC’s Deepa Madan develops bendable zinc-based batteries

Students walking across a university, with large brick and glass building in the distance.

HackUMBC 2021 brings together 1,400 creative students from 26 countries to solve challenges in their communities

Last weekend, nearly 1,400 students from 90 institutions across 26 countries, including Egypt, Switzerland, and Ethiopia, participated in hackUMBC’s annual fall hackathon. The 36-hour event encouraged students to collaborate with each other to develop projects addressing a range of real-world challenges.  Continue Reading HackUMBC 2021 brings together 1,400 creative students from 26 countries to solve challenges in their communities

UMBC’s Jack Suess and instructional tech team earn national awards for leadership, innovation

“What makes this award special is that it truly recognizes the work of our entire Division of Information Technology (DoIT),” Suess says. “Our team’s work, particularly in helping the university quickly shift to remote learning last year, due to COVID, reflects a spirit of empathy and collaboration. This spirit has made IT true partners in the university’s success, not just technology experts.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Jack Suess and instructional tech team earn national awards for leadership, innovation

Strong finish: UMBC student-athletes discuss support and resilience in “one of the toughest years”

Due to the pandemic, the NCAA has offered senior college athletes around the country a waiver to compete for an extra year. Many fourth-year student-athletes at UMBC and around the country will take advantage of this opportunity, but others decided to press forward with making the most of an unusual senior year before shifting gears to the next phase of their lives. Continue Reading Strong finish: UMBC student-athletes discuss support and resilience in “one of the toughest years”

A curved wall on the outside of a building lined with images of marine life.

UMBC faculty, alumni entrepreneurs receive record number of MIPS awards for tech collaborations

Six UMBC faculty members have just received grants from the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) program to develop new technologies with potential to grow the state’s economy. This is UMBC’s largest number of winning proposals within a single proposal round since MIPS began. Continue Reading UMBC faculty, alumni entrepreneurs receive record number of MIPS awards for tech collaborations

Two people wearing sweaters walk in front of brick buildings, smiling.

UMBC students help create richer online courses for peers in engineering and computing fields

As UMBC faculty prepare for spring, they are reflecting on lessons learned from a primarily online fall 2020 semester. In UMBC’s College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT), this means honoring teaching fellows and teaching assistants for their role in making sure courses met student needs. Continue Reading UMBC students help create richer online courses for peers in engineering and computing fields

Rows of international flags hang from a ceiling.

UMBC celebrates 2020 – 2021 Fulbright recipients

Ten recent UMBC alumni are recipients of 2020 – 2021 Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards, including seven from UMBC’s Class of 2020. Each year over 11,000 students apply and just over 2,000 are selected from hundreds of colleges and universities across the United States. The award secures funding for U.S. students to pursue international graduate study, research, internships, or teaching. Continue Reading UMBC celebrates 2020 – 2021 Fulbright recipients

UMBC-led team receives Dept. of Energy grant to advance nuclear fusion energy research

“While there will be important materials and engineering questions that will need to be addressed before scaling up to a commercial reactor, we will address the most important physics questions that could put us in a path to a demo reactor in years, not decades. We are very excited to be working on a truly transformational technology that will enable a virtually inexhaustible energy source with very small impact to our planet,” says Romero-Talamas. Continue Reading UMBC-led team receives Dept. of Energy grant to advance nuclear fusion energy research

Two swimmers look at a paper together, wearing UMBC t-shirts next to a pool

Scholar-athlete grads draw on resilience forged in challenging times

On the surface, Kennedy Lamb ‘20, English, and Jethro Ssengonzi ‘20, mechanical engineering, didn’t have much in common when they arrived on campus. Today, these two accomplished scholar-athletes are coping with the challenges of graduating during a pandemic by drawing on stores of resilience and communities of support. Continue Reading Scholar-athlete grads draw on resilience forged in challenging times

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