
A group of five people in a room with glass walls, sitting at a table with laptops in front of them.

The Hilltop Institute at UMBC revolutionizes data analytics to advance health and wellbeing

The Hilltop Institute at UMBC has led numerous high-impact health care research projects over a nearly 30-year history at UMBC. “The Hilltop Institute epitomizes the spirit of UMBC’s mission to integrate teaching, research and engaged scholarship, and service to benefit communities in Maryland and beyond,” says Cynthia Woodcock, executive director of Hilltop. Continue Reading The Hilltop Institute at UMBC revolutionizes data analytics to advance health and wellbeing

UMBC's campus during the fall, shot in 2021

NSF awards $10M to UMBC to expand successful initiative developing underrepresented postdocs in STEM

UMBC will expand its work boosting diversity in academia from Maryland to the national level through a new NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Re-Imagining STEM Equity Utilizing Postdoc Pathways (RISE UPP). The RISE UPP Alliance, anticipated to officially launch in fall 2022, is modeled after the PROMISE Academy, a high-impact initiative co-led by UMBC that supports faculty diversification in the biomedical sciences across University System of Maryland (USM) institutions. Continue Reading NSF awards $10M to UMBC to expand successful initiative developing underrepresented postdocs in STEM

man in dark graduation robe stands behind a podium with positive expression

Freeman Hrabowski to continue higher ed leadership as inaugural ACE Centennial Fellow after retirement as UMBC president

Hrabowski’s two-year term as ACE Centennial Fellow will begin on Aug. 1. “There is no better-equipped person in American higher education than Freeman Hrabowski to find new and better ways for ACE and all of our institutions to best serve our students and the nation,” says ACE President Ted Mitchell. Continue Reading Freeman Hrabowski to continue higher ed leadership as inaugural ACE Centennial Fellow after retirement as UMBC president

As global travel expands, UMBC faculty and staff earn Fulbright awards for research, collaboration abroad

Four UMBC faculty and staff members have received highly competitive Fulbright awards to conduct research and establish important connections around the world over the next year.  UMBC’s new recipients of Fulbright U.S. Scholar awards are Shimei Pan, associate professor of information systems; Corrie Parks, assistant professor of visual arts; and Tiffany Thames Copeland, adjunct faculty in Africana studies. Nancy Young, vice president for Student Affairs, has received a Fulbright International Education Administrators Award. They will travel to Germany, Austria, Ghana, and France, respectively. Continue Reading As global travel expands, UMBC faculty and staff earn Fulbright awards for research, collaboration abroad

man in suit and black and gold striped tie stands behind a podium with positive thoughtful expression

HHMI launches $1.5 billion Freeman Hrabowski Scholars program to support diversity, innovation in biomedical research

HHMI is honoring President Hrabowski for his decades of leadership in growing and diversifying the pipeline of Ph.D.-level researchers. “We should all be encouraged by HHMI’s commitment to changing the face of science in America,” Hrabowski says. Continue Reading HHMI launches $1.5 billion Freeman Hrabowski Scholars program to support diversity, innovation in biomedical research

UMBC’s Cynthia Matuszek receives NSF CAREER Award to study how robots understand spoken language

Robots are becoming increasingly capable of complex tasks and are moving into roles that previously could only be done by people, in sectors like healthcare, education, and elder care. UMBC’s Cynthia Matuszek has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to study how robots learn about the physical world from spoken language to improve how they work with people. Continue Reading UMBC’s Cynthia Matuszek receives NSF CAREER Award to study how robots understand spoken language

UMBC’s Haleemat Adekoya receives prestigious Truman Scholarship for education advocacy

In addition to Haleemat Adekoya winning the Truman Scholarship, this is the second time that two UMBC students have been named finalists. “This national recognition highlights the fact that UMBC is indeed a magical place that fosters community leaders and passionate public servants, such as Haleemat,” says Rehman Liaqat ‘22, political science, a fellow finalist. Continue Reading UMBC’s Haleemat Adekoya receives prestigious Truman Scholarship for education advocacy

Four UMBC students receive Goldwater Scholarship for STEM research, tying prior record

Four UMBC students have been named 2022-23 Goldwater Scholars, tying the university’s past record, set just last year. This year’s recipients are Christopher Slaughter ‘23, computer engineering; Rachel Myers ‘23, chemical engineering; Tobi Majekodunmi ‘23, mechanical engineering; and D’Juan Moreland ‘23, biological sciences and music. UMBC had more winners this year than any other institution in the state of Maryland.  Continue Reading Four UMBC students receive Goldwater Scholarship for STEM research, tying prior record

Pres. Hrabowski elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announced the election of UMBC President Freeman A. Hrabowski, III as a member. This prestigious honor recognizes Pres. Hrabowski’s leadership in higher education—serving as president of UMBC for three decades and working to increase diversity in STEM fields, including engineering, at a national level. Continue Reading Pres. Hrabowski elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering

Four students gather around monitors, with a professor and student sitting in the background.

UMBC ascends to the nation’s highest level as a research university

UMBC has officially reached the nation’s highest level of research performance. The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education today announced that UMBC has been placed into the category of doctoral universities with very high research activity, popularly known as Research 1 (or R1). “This is an amazing accomplishment by faculty, staff, and administrative leaders who have built a research culture that nurtures undergraduate and graduate students,” says President Freeman Hrabowski. “This milestone reflects our commitment to excellence across the disciplines, from the humanities to the sciences.” Continue Reading UMBC ascends to the nation’s highest level as a research university

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