
Demonstration of site specific poster for transit shelter, North Avenue, Baltimore, 2011. Art by Lynn Cazabon from the series Uncultivated.

Depth of Field

Visiting senior research scholar Marvin Heiferman explores the intersection of photography and science in a new collaborative book called Seeing Science: How Photography Reveals the Universe. Continue Reading Depth of Field

All illustrations by Brucie Roth.

Urgent Care

UMBC researchers are tackling disparities related to healthcare and changing the way people around the world access health technologies. Continue Reading Urgent Care


Huang named Maryland’s Small Business Person of the Year

The U.S. Small Business Administration recently recognized a UMBC information systems alumnus among its 2019 Small Business Persons of the Year winners. Zhensen Huang, M.S. ‘00, Ph.D. ‘04, information systems, was the winner of the award for Maryland. He is the CEO of Precise Software Solutions, Inc., a company that supports government agencies’ information technology needs by offering innovative solutions. Huang explains that he has always wanted to use technology to impact people’s lives, and as an entrepreneur he’s been able to make that a reality. “I am both honored and humbled to receive this Person of the Year recognition,”… Continue Reading Huang named Maryland’s Small Business Person of the Year

Biology graduate students from UMBC earn national honors for unique aquatic research

Whether wading in a cold stream or in the lab, mentors who foster independent thinking balanced with guidance—for research and for life—make the difference for UMBC graduate students on the national and international stage. A close-knit graduate student community adds a level of support that helps students succeed. Continue Reading Biology graduate students from UMBC earn national honors for unique aquatic research

UMBC recognizes Renetta Tull for transformative leadership advancing diversity in STEM

Renetta Tull has worked with students, faculty, and staff across UMBC and the University System of Maryland to increase diversity in STEM disciplines for over a decade. At the end of March, Tull will begin a new role as vice chancellor for diversity, equity, and inclusion at UC Davis. Continue Reading UMBC recognizes Renetta Tull for transformative leadership advancing diversity in STEM

Peaceworkers Reunite to Celebrate Milestone of Public Service

Twenty-five years ago, when Sarge and Eunice Shriver inaugurated the new Shriver Center at UMBC, they charged the community to connect scholarship, service, and reflection to engage and collaborate with communities in Baltimore City. At the time, Ernest Boyer, a leading visionary in higher education, called the newly inaugurated center a prototype for a  “New American College,” where the university’s people and resources would be focused on a public service mission within its urban setting…to take up the citizen call to connect learning and higher education with social change and development. The Shriver Center meets that challenge in a number… Continue Reading Peaceworkers Reunite to Celebrate Milestone of Public Service

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