
Lynn Cazabon, Visual Arts, Receives Fulbright Teaching Award

Associate Professor Lynn Cazabon, Visual Arts, has received a Fulbright Teaching Award to work at Leipaja University for the Spring 2015 semester. Leipaja University is in Leipaja, Latvia, a city of 75,00 located in the western part of the country on the Baltic Sea. Cazabon says her “project proposal is to develop and teach classes centered on Photography and Public Art in their New Media Arts Program. I will also pursue a project of my own focused on local traditions centered on mushroom harvesting as they connect to country-wide environmental conservation policies.”

A. Moon ’99 MFA, Imaging and Digital Arts, Named Fulbright Scholar

A. Moon ’99 MFA, Imaging and Digital Arts, multimedia artist and staff member of the Academic Outreach and Engagement Division at Morgan State University, has received a Fulbright Research Award to examine the intersections between contemporary film production in Turkey and practices in the Asian American filmmaking community. “My research will have two identifiable outcomes, motivated by a need for more open dialogue and cultural exchange, specifically within the area of film, between the U.S. and Turkey: (1) I will organize a screening of work by contemporary Asian American media artists to present in Turkey; and (2) I will curate a program of work by… Continue Reading A. Moon ’99 MFA, Imaging and Digital Arts, Named Fulbright Scholar

Eric Zeemering named Fulbright Canada Scholar

Dr. Eric Zeemering, an assistant professor of public policy, has been named a 2013-14 Fulbright Scholar by Fulbright Canada. He will spend five months at the University of Ottawa investigating how urban sustainability is defined in Canadian cities, with special attention on how social policy and programs are integrated with economic and environmental initiatives. Dr. Zeemering’s research and teaching interests focus on public management, intergovernmental relations and urban policy (see video below). [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzVW-RaTDiY&w=560&h=315] To learn more about Dr. Zeemering’s work, read his upcoming profile in UMBC Magazine, online and in print later this month. Fulbright Canada is a binational, treaty-based… Continue Reading Eric Zeemering named Fulbright Canada Scholar

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