Kourtney Rutkowski pursues a unique international path in mechanical engineering Apr 15, 2018 / 2 minutes of reading
Bryan Vanek, president of national champion Cyber Dawgs team, heads to computer security career Apr 15, 2018 / 2 minutes of reading
CWIT Scholar Katherine Dillon heads to Google as a software engineer Apr 15, 2018 / 2 minutes of reading
2017 Alumni Awards celebrate impressive contributions across disciplines from UMBC alumni and faculty Oct 12, 2017 / 8 minutes of reading
Natacha Ngea, future software engineer, reflects on the impact of mentorship May 13, 2017 / 2 minutes of reading
Gabrielle Salib, inspired to boost STEM access, focuses on human-centered computing May 12, 2017 / 2 minutes of reading
Lee Blaney receives NSF CAREER Award to address contaminants of emerging concern in urban streams Mar 28, 2017 / 3 minutes of reading
UMBC’s Cyber Scholars program stands out as a national model in “Diverse” Feb 3, 2017 / 3 minutes of reading
AAMC highlights UMBC’s national model to support minority student success in med school Jan 26, 2017 / 3 minutes of reading
Baltimore Sun highlights UMBC’s focus on empowering students as leaders, partners, and community-builders Nov 11, 2016 / 4 minutes of reading