News and Updates about UMBC’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Three people speak in a conference space, in professional attire, next to a photograph

CS3 leads research summit on community-based violence prevention in Baltimore

“We wanted to purposefully use this summit to convene as many researchers as possible to examine, discuss, and share expertise and data,” Mallinson says. “Our intent is increasing collaboration and resources beyond this room, between institutions and the community, to create tangible, applicable and responsive human- and community-centered research in violence prevention with and for Baltimore.” Continue Reading CS3 leads research summit on community-based violence prevention in Baltimore

Student entrepreneurs share fresh perspectives at UMBC’s 9th annual Idea Competition

UMBC’s Idea Competition offers students from all fields an opportunity to present business ideas to a panel of expert judges and receive immediate feedback on moving from vision to reality. The university’s Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship hosts this competition each fall. This year’s event featured ten project finalists. Student teams had just three minutes each to sell the judges and the crowd on their innovative product and business ideas. Vivian Armor, director of the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship, notes that the popular event now receives submissions from nearly every major across campus. Armor, herself an alumna of UMBC… Continue Reading Student entrepreneurs share fresh perspectives at UMBC’s 9th annual Idea Competition

Amy Bhatt shines light on gender and immigration policy in new book High-Tech Housewives

“Now more than ever, Professor Bhatt’s research is crucial in helping all of us understand the everyday impact of high-skilled immigration,” shares Jessica Berman, director of the Dresher Center for the Humanities. “Thriving academic research communities are enriched by the knowledge and expertise highly-skilled international faculty, staff, and students bring and share.” Continue Reading Amy Bhatt shines light on gender and immigration policy in new book High-Tech Housewives

UMBC joins innovative ACE Internationalization Lab, expanding commitment to global engagement

“UMBC’s participation in this year’s cohort of the ACE Internationalization Laboratory is a key component in our work to create the university’s first-ever internationalization roadmap,” shares Tony Moreira, vice provost for academic affairs. “Given today’s global landscape for higher education, universities need to implement international, intercultural, and global elements in all areas of the institution to ensure that they stay relevant and continue to provide a high-quality education to all students.” Continue Reading UMBC joins innovative ACE Internationalization Lab, expanding commitment to global engagement

Historic black and white photo of a man with balding hair and handle bar mustache wearing a suit looks at camera.

UMBC celebrates 40 years of the W. E. B. Du Bois Lecture with talk on genetics, race, and racism

UMBC’s annual W.E.B. Du Bois lecture series “provides an important platform for intellectual dialogue on crucial aspects of African American experiences and those of peoples of African descent,” says Chuku. “It offers us an opportunity to draw inspiration from Du Bois’s scholarship and activism.” Continue Reading UMBC celebrates 40 years of the W. E. B. Du Bois Lecture with talk on genetics, race, and racism

Bahama Oriole Project team awarded NSF grant to offer more UMBC undergrads international research experiences

“Being on the Bahama Oriole Project was my first hands-on glimpse at international research,” Matthew Kane ’19 says. “It was the first time I had seen scientists from two different countries collaborating on a conservation project on this scale.” Continue Reading Bahama Oriole Project team awarded NSF grant to offer more UMBC undergrads international research experiences

New UMBC research suggests need to rethink goals of global reforestation efforts

Forests store carbon, clean water, prevent soil erosion, and provide habitat for a wide range of species, “but all those benefits start kicking in when forests are older,” says Matthew Fagan. Based on their new research, Fagan and colleagues argue that nations would do better to take the long view when committing to forest restoration. Continue Reading New UMBC research suggests need to rethink goals of global reforestation efforts

A man and woman in professional clothing stand outdoors in front of a manicured lawn and trees

UMBC launches Center for Democracy and Civic Life at a critical national moment

“We can develop the knowledge, skills, and resourcefulness to work across differences and address challenges together, and to build thriving civic communities,” says David Hoffman, director of the new center. “UMBC is the perfect setting for that kind of learning, with so many people and programs already contributing to a vibrant civic culture.” Continue Reading UMBC launches Center for Democracy and Civic Life at a critical national moment

New Fulbright Accelerator connects CAHSS faculty with international opportunities

Through international work, says Nohe, “Scholars transform their teaching and scope of experience and share that with UMBC faculty and students. The perspective and broad scope of references is truly invaluable, and we as scholars serve as ambassadors for our institutions abroad.” Continue Reading New Fulbright Accelerator connects CAHSS faculty with international opportunities

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